Just would like to know what you recommend for me in the ICT buisness. I really enjoy cleaning up people's PC's, I have helped lots of people over the past before.
I am currently doing A-level in I.C.T, but thats mosly to do with working in Microsoft Word. What kind of job do you recommend I do in the future? I am in England.
What is ICT ?
People get certificate for Microsoft Word which should and then they can have fancy titles like "Certificated Microsoft System User" or "Certificated Advanced Application Developer" or silly things.
Anyone who needs to take a course to learn how to point and click and use Windows shouldnt even touch a computer.
It sin't a course like I need to take it, its an A-level. but this is in the U.K...
ICT: Information Communication Technologies. This really isn't what I wanted, I was hoping pople would tell me their sort of jobs that they do if they clean PC's....?
ICT: Information Communication Technologies. This really isn't what I wanted, I was hoping pople would tell me their sort of jobs that they do if they clean PC's....?
Your not going to get a very good job just cleaning up spyware, viruses, ect.
If you take some classes and get extensive knowledge of the registry and how to troubleshoot registry problems then you might get a pretty good job working in an IT department or computer shop. If you get good at it and really know what your doing than you will be invaluable. Most repair shops I have seen lately dont even hire people that know what their doing. They just format someones pc and charge whatever they can.
Good person to ask would be djlizard. I think he works in a pc shop.
Thanks, I will give him a bell. I hope to be learning more and more stuff soon, I admit I do not know all the ins and outs of the registry, but I do know some stuff. I hope to learn more and more soon, so thanks for the advice.