Help for windows xp firewall users

A thread here over on Wilders could prove very useful for any people who are using windows firewall on their xp system

If gives good picture descriptions of what settings can be used

Worth a read

My guide for the windows firewall is this: Make sure its on in the security center and when you get on public wifi make sure you have either the "allow no exceptions" box checked or the file sharing one unchecked. :P

Good old Windows Firewall. It's all I've used for quite some time now, and that's a well detailed write up.

That's rather good for Windows Firewall which to my knowledge is stealthed on inbound simulated attacks on test sites like ShieldsUP and PCFlank.

My guide for the windows firewall is this: Make sure its on in the security center and when you get on public wifi make sure you have either the "allow no exceptions" box checked or the file sharing one unchecked. :P

I use your guide, even though I didn't know you had a guide for it. :lol: BTW good guide! :P

Good old Windows Firewall. It's all I've used for quite some time now, and that's a well detailed write up.

That's all I'm using too, as a recent version of ZoneAlarm Free kept making Explorer.exe crash randomly when opening folders. Of course I've tested a bunch of third-party free firewalls, and I haven't liked any of them enough to justify keeping them installed.

I think WWDC, and a hardware firewall coupled with Windows Firewall is sufficient for most users with a clean system, so long as other means of layered security protection is implemented.