Help! CCleaner deleted ALL my photos

During a quick clean on my Android phone, all my photos dissapeared! I'm in shock and I don't understand how this could happen! I've been using the app for years and have never had any issues. All my personal photos from last year are just gone. It's devastating. Is there anything I can do to recover it?

Not sure just what has happened there, but were they also in Google Storage? Check your Google account for them, It may just be a link that has been 'lost' but even if deleted from Google Storage they are backed up there.

Thank you for the reply. But no, they were not. Fortunately I did a manual backup a year ago, but all photos from april 23 until now are gone. Including videos and music files. I just don't understand how this can happen?

Sorry I am not familiar with the Android version of CCleaner so don't know what might have happened.

One other thought - Android phones have a Recycle Bin these days, have you checked in there?

(Of course though if CCleaner also emptied the bin ,,,,,).

Thanks, but it's not there either :( I see that I should have posted this in the android section, sorry. I can see that other people have had this experience. But thanks

As you have re-posted in the Android forum I'll close this one to avoid you getting any answers in two places.

Here's a link to the new thread: