HDD looks a mess?

Not sure what's going on... But look at my HDD. This is after a defrag with Defraggler. I'm not blaming it on Defraggler by any means but what do you guys make of how the data shows up on the interactive map?



Try a Freespace Defrag (and allow fragmentation) ;)

Doing so now... I'll let you know what I come up with. For reference, this is a Windows XP professional SP2 box.

My Windows Vista HDD looks even worse than this and a regular defrag takes forever. Actually I never let it finish because it was at 33% after 2.5 hours. I'll post the SS later when I get home.

I used debug3 on defraggler for the Vista laptop and it finished in about 20 mins... I did use JKDefrag to defrag and optimize the drive after Defraggler would not finish so that could be wise. I will attach a photo of the analysis after defragmentation but I can't attach the debug file because it's 106MB. :o


Hi Kmillerusaf

Your drives look good to me.

Remember that there are no perfect drives.

And here's a tip:

To defrag faster only defrag fragmented files.

After analisys click "View files".

Then select them all and click defrg checked.

I hope this helps. ;)

Yeah I know it's not going to line up perfectly... But like I said, it was stuck on 33% for 2.5 hours on the Vista laptop so I used JK Defrag and it worked fine after that. Not sure what happened there. And I know all about, defragging the files only :) Thanks anyway!