HDD incorrectly identified as SSD by Speccy

It's an external harddrive but Speccy thinks it's an SSD. See attached file for the .txt export from Speccy (your .speccy files cant be attached to these forum posts).

Also it's weird how the processor name is so vague. It's correctly identified in the processor "specification" though.


I know this is an old topic, but Speccy v1.31.732 on Windows 10 Pro is still mis-identifying USB desktop drives as SSD.

I attached the storage section for the drive.


Official word from the Admin Team, as of 23Nov17, is;

”Many changes have been made for the SSD detection recently and they will continue to improve the accuracy of disk detection in future releases."

in my opinion, not much of an answer for an issue that's been around for about 2 years.

arguably, it's no big issue with Speccy, but when CC and DF start misreporting the same thing, it has other ramifications.</span>