Hazelnut Skills :)

Hazelnut I am aware of your awesome web searching abilities so I have a silly favor to ask of you. :)

If you would know where to look, try to find a website to print or download piano kids songs by number with the full song. The songs need to be something that a 3 and 6 year old would know. They have a piano/organ with numbers that they can use.

I'm not sure how to search for that. Did I explain clearly what I am looking for?

Look at "hot cross buns" here, is that what you mean? It's in the first pieces list.

They are safe to download to desktop and they open with foxit reader for a quick look.


YES! Hazelnut you Rock! :D w00t!! w00t!!

Thanks lady

yeah hazelnut knows where to get good kid stuff. she suggested tuxpaint to me and my kids absolutely love it. :)

yeah hazelnut knows where to get good kid stuff. she suggested tuxpaint to me and my kids absolutely love it. :)

Cool, I'll check that out too. :)