Hi Humpty,
i saw your post regarding removing unwanted items with Unlocker. I tried this software but the jpeg that i have still won't open!! Can you shed some light on this?
Cheers Bro
Try the app "Move on boot " at the link below.
If unlocker couldn't do it then it must be a stubborn one.
If still no joy post in the forum that you have tried those apps and you still can't get it delete.
Move on boot
Thanks for that Bro,
i tried what you suggested (move to boot) but it would not go into the drag/drop file or source file/folder, would not open up.
Thanks for your time though Bro i do apprieciate it!!
Regards Bro
Hello dearmaniro,
Are you trying to delete this jpeg? If so do you get an error message?
Or are you just trying to open the jpeg ? ( it says in your post you tried unlocker but the jpeg still wouldn't open )
This thread must've been a doublepost by accident, or something.
I answered your other thread located here.
Hello dearmaniro,
Are you trying to delete this jpeg? If so do you get an error message?
Or are you just trying to open the jpeg ? ( it says in your post you tried unlocker but the jpeg still wouldn't open )
Hi Hazlenut,
i am trying to delete the jpeg? When i right click, the delete option does not come on/up? If i drag it to the bin it just stays put. AND if i click on it then click to the left on the "delete this file" it just stays put!!
Oh yeah by the way it is porn for (even though there is no actual picture) BUT there is a name to it that is like 35 words long ![<_<]()
Any thoughts?
Removing a .JPG file ought not be rocket science ... unless it is more than a simple .JPG.
Malware can take many forms, including graphic images. Considering the questionable source of your image, it is more likely to be "evil" in nature than if it had come from a Disney website (although I am certain they are not above suspicion either).
Try running several threat scans using links provided on the page below, or just submit the file to VirusTotal (if you are able) to verify the true nature of your dilemma.
- Scott D