I would like to see an option on scan window that gives me the option to select all(default is all now) and deselect in this way I can just pick what I want to fix/delete instead of going to the whole list and removing the ticks which can be pages and pick those which I would like to remove.thanks.
welcome to the forums parev
right click, select all or select all of type
welcome to the forums parev
right click, select all or select all of type
Thanks for the hint but I want to deselect all and choose just few to fix/delete
why wouldnt you want to delete all of them anyways
make sure you have the latest version (1.3) then right click and see if theres a deselect all.
i cant tell because theres no issues on mine
Thanks for the hint but I want to deselect all and choose just few to fix/delete
Most (if not all) should be safe to delete anyway. I've always removed everything it finds and never had any problems with the issues scanner. What entries have you got that you feel aren't safe to remove?
EDIT: Just checked and you can right click and deselect all
Most (if not all) should be safe to delete anyway. I've always removed everything it finds and never had any problems with the issues scanner. What entries have you got that you feel aren't safe to remove?
EDIT: Just checked and you can right click and deselect all
I would like to thank you guys TheFiresInTheSky and JDpower for the hint.I was excpecting a button up some where.to answer your question why I want to do that,I just like to select and see what it finds in Issues option being an IT guy I like to see what the ccleaner is finding/deleting
I would like to thank you guys TheFiresInTheSky and JDpower for the hint.
your very welcome.
feel free to stick around the forums.
its not souly related to Ccleaner you know..