Harddrive got full?

post-16440-1208218856_thumb.jpg As you see it say full, I look & Clean out 300 MB still say full, latter on it sad only 7GB how come? A popup from taskbar say it full,less than 2GB free to small for Page file as RAM is 2GB next look? how come? post-16440-1208315263_thumb.jpg I look all over to find wait full check System 32, Windows, Programs, My folders,All less than 2 GB PS Windows was doing a up date still not be that big 30 GB down 7.95 GB ?



What is saying it's full? The screenshot you posted shows 1.79GB of free space. Later it said 7GB of what? :huh:

If it is Windows Defrag that is telling you it is full and it can't defrag the disk, its because it needs 15% (I think) of free space on the drive to carry out the defrag.

As krit86lr said, the screenshot shows 1.79GB of free space left.

If you let us know what program you are trying to run, I'll see if I can provide anymore assistance.

If it is Windows Defrag that is telling you it is full and it can't defrag the disk, its because it needs 15% (I think) of free space on the drive to carry out the defrag.

As krit86lr said, the screenshot shows 1.79GB of free space left.

If you let us know what program you are trying to run, I'll see if I can provide anymore assistance.

That's correct, 15% of free space is needed to defrag a hard drive. But it seems that hotdoge3 is in need of a new, and larger hard drive more than a defrag. ;)

That's correct, 15% of free space is needed to defrag a hard drive.

I'm impressed with me....I have actually remembered somthing from my Win XP exam! :lol:

What is saying it's full? The screenshot you posted shows 1.79GB of free space. Later it said 7GB of what? :huh:

I put in a new jpg it help 7.96 GB but it said it full, I look not find the big download a few re boot & go back to 7.96 GB, not add up.post-16440-1208478931_thumb.jpg

may be this is the win.jpg


If this is some kind of joke there is a language barrier that's keeping me and probably others from understanding...

If this is some kind of joke there is a language barrier that's keeping me and probably others from understanding...

Yes the last bit is, still not ad up think just one of those one off things windows went mad.

hotdoge... how do you talk on these boards. Do you try to speak English from what you know, or do you use a translation website? If it is the former, use the latter. If it's the latter, find a different website. It makes understanding you very hard sometimes.


hotdoge... how do you talk on these boards. Do you try to speak English from what you know, or do you use a translation website? If it is the former, use the latter. If it's the latter, find a different website. It makes understanding you very hard sometimes.


Yes English as I said HD 8 GB in it it say full,next it say it back to 8 GB, how come? & way it did this? & dont for get it was not full it just said it full.