Hard Drive Life Inspection Software

Recently, on giveawayoftheday, there was something called hard drive inspector pro. However, I wasn't able to get it on my primary computer, and it doesn't scan external drives. :(

Does any one know any free software that can scan the life of your harddrive (the one i got was 97 %), and also be able to scan external drives?


HD Tune (no adware, no spyware) can scan the S.M.A.R.T. status, and do surface scans to give you some info about the life expectancy.

Thanks for this link Andavari. Keeping an eye on the condition of the hard drive isn`t something I would normally think of doing.

Although running this program must fill you with a little bit of trepidation, you know; "please be OK, I can`t afford to replace you just now" :huh:

But on the other hand, it`s nice to be able to have early warning of hard drive problems.


"please be OK, I can`t afford to replace you just now" :huh:

HD Tune is a quick and free way to get some info and in all likelihood buying some commercial app would probably be near the price of a brand new HDD. :rolleyes:

It's interesting that some people including myself have had no HDD problems, while on the other hand some people are so unlucky they've had them die in as little as 3-12 months (sounds like a JVC Home DVD Recorder I just chucked into the trash, which is where it has belonged since day one).

sounds like a JVC Home DVD Recorder I just chucked into the trash, which is where it has belonged since day one.

Some you win, some you lose.

Just straying ever so slightly off topic here, one of the worst choices I ever made was with the very first VCR I bought:- Betamax :o

Luckily it was a Sanyo, and S**t picture quality, so I took it back and changed it for a proper one, VHS.

If you remember, Betamax just died a death.

This subject is worth a new topic. :)