Happy days are here again.

Posting this from the pub.

Normal Saturday regulars are in, just sat a bit further apart.

I knew you'd be one of the first customers :lol:

Probably using their WiFi from a safe distance, until they catch him and make him do the dishes again.:lol:

LOL, I currently have to use 3G+ in the pub where I drink, which is across the market square from my house, they haven't got wifi at the moment.

The buildings next to them on one side were demolished just before lockdown taking out their telephone line and they haven't got a new/rerouted line in yet.

The demolition guys also managed to cut their power line, but that was only out for 4 hours or so and it was daylight.

Of course at home I use the wifi from the pub next door to me, (which hasn't reopened yet), I'm using it now.

It's paid for as a business expense (offset against tax so it efectively costs them nothing) anyway, so they're fine with me using it.