Happy Birthday Rob!

I would have posted this earlier but it totally slipped out of my mind.

It is Winapp2.ini's birthday as well!

Happy birthday, mate! [insert a lot of cliche'd birthday wishes here]

I think it may have been yesterday, but no difference as I can wish you the same big happy birthday today.

Hope you had a good one. :)


Happy Birthday, + many many more.

♪ ♫ 15.gif♪ ♫

Well you know that January is a great time for people to be born!!

Many more birthdays to come :)

Happy Birthday Winapp2.ini.:)

Happy Birthday! :)

D'aw shucks, thanks guys :wub:

Not to date anyone, but I'm 18 now and I feel old already :P

A big Happy BD to you and Celebrate with a chocolate cake. :)


I'll join the other good folks in wishing you a Happy Birthday also.
