
For those of you who don't like 7-zip's Win9x look...a nice free archiver from China, HaoZip:


As a bonus, it has a batch rename/replace tool, can do MD5 checksums, convert images, convert archives, merge MP3s (although I don't see when you'd want to do that), it has an image viewer, and skins. And an x64 version :D.

The English translation has some mistakes, however (but who cares?)


Skins (the page is in Chinese)

Sounds solid but I don't think I'd want to move from WinRAR!

Well, WinRAR nags you if you don't pay ;)

(IMHO the only "missing" thing in HaoZip is favorite folders like 7-zip...)

Mine is... paid.

This has a lot of features, but I don't need all that honestly, not on an archiving tool at least.

I had guessed that - but many people don't want to pay for a archiver. :P

I didn't say I paid, but lets not get into all that. :rolleyes::unsure:

Mine is... paid.


I didn't say I paid, but lets not get into all that. :rolleyes::unsure:

Shame, shame, shame.


Shame, shame, shame.


I don't want to talk about piracy here at the risk of breaking rules but here is how it goes. I have paid for my OS, all my softwares are freewares/open-source except for WinRAR where there doesn't exist a decent alternative. I am 17 right now, as soon as I start earning I will pay them for sure. :)

I don't want to think about how much music I have s.... *shakes head*

Why don't you try HaoZip (or 7-zip if you want an English-compliant archiver)? 7z is better than RAR anyway.

Why don't you try HaoZip (or 7-zip if you want an English-compliant archiver)? 7z is better than RAR anyway.

GUI matters, and I'm just used to RAR. I'll get a job in say, 4 years. I shall definitely pay for everything I have ever 'stolen' then. I don't exactly feel too proud using dad's money for software.

Getting too off-topic methinks.

I'm personally fine with the gui of 7-Zip itself, I just hate the file extension icons it has. They look horrible with Windows 7, absolutely repulsive.

Yes, that's why I like HaoZip...the icons are quite well-drawn.
