Green Graphical Artifacts

Hi guys,

Nice forum you chaps have here. Might hang around for a while and learn something new :)

Anyways, before I start my system specs -

Gigabyte GA-K8N Ultra-SLI - running nForce 4 AMD 6.66 drivers

Amd 64 3200+ (winchester)

2x PX6600GT TDH PCI-E - running Nvidia 77.76 beta drivers

1 gig Cruical Ram

I bought the motherboard/cpu and graphics cards (was a Twinpack from leadtek) last week.

The problem im having is, whenever I run a game such as Medal of Honor Pacific Assault, Or Battlefield 2 for example I get Green graphical artifacts all over the screen. It's even more prominant when im playing MOHPA, when I fire the gun the whole screen gets artifacts all over the place. It seems to get worse and worse as the game progresses. However, in certain games I won't have any problems at all until I get to certain area's. Also ive noticed that turning off SLI mode in the Nvidia settings seem to help delay it a little, but it still ends up the same in the end. I havent' as yet tried just having one of the graphics cards in yet, but im kind of getting the feeling ive bought a pair of dud graphics cards

Ive attached a pic of what it looks like at the worst point.

Checked the GPU temp's as well, they're both running at about 65-66c at full load and 48c at ambient temp.

Any help appreciated as im kinda pulling any hair ive got left out at the moment :(




What all versions of the NVIDIA driver have you tried? NVIDIA's driver is known for its issues, and you stated you're using a beta, which is scarier to me than a beta of a Microsoft product. Also, you said it yourself, you haven't tried using one card at a time. That's obviously your next step. You can't assume that turning off SLI mode and still having the same issue proves that both of your cards are bad, so now you must prove it physically.