Goole oll still being wiped

I am dyslexic and make constant use of the current Google auto fill to get my address spellings right. But though Google 4 is unselected in applications, the path to every permutation of program and folder is in excluded my details get wiped. But the bank details are OK! I am having going to have make the choose between using CClean or Google. Is there no effective way of stopping CClean from removing the information? :(

Hi John, I'm sorry to hear of the problems you are having.

You don't say which browser you use, but have you tried unchecking "Autocomplete Form History", under "Windows/Internet Explorer"?

Or have you tried going to CCleaner/Options/Cookies, after logging onto Google, and then move any Google Cookies from the "Cookies To Delete" window to the "Cookies To Keep" window.

Another possibility, is the information may be stored in a Flash Cookie, or "settings.sol" file. You would find these in one or both of the following locations:

C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\Application Data\Macromedia\Flash Player\#SharedObjects\EJR7ZWV7


C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\Application Data\Macromedia\Flash Player\\support\flashplayer\sys

Note, the bold highlighted number is a salted number, and will differ on your PC. If here, you can add these locations to "CCleaner\Options\Exclude", and add folder, or file.

Or, you could simply try unchecking "Macromedia" under "Applications/Multimedia", although this would leave all Flash Cookies in this location.

If none of these help, please post back and let us know.