Google takes aim at IE

Wonder if this new Google browser will be implementing a part of the Green Border security concept which they purchased a fair while ago?

The free browser, called "Chrome," is supposed to be available for downloading Tuesday in more than 100 countries for computers running on Microsoft's Windows operating system. Google said it's still working on versions compatible with Apple Inc.'s Mac computer and the Linux operating system.

Google's browser is expected to hit the market a week after Microsoft's unveiling of a test version of its latest browser update, Internet Explorer 8. The tweaks include more tools for Web surfers to cloak their online preferences, creating a shield that could make it more difficult for Google and other marketing networks to figure out which ads are most likely to appeal to which individuals.

Yahoo Article

Their "more powerful JavaScript engine" is called V8. :D

There have been rumors for a few years now of a Google Browser but they denied they were even considering one and now here it is. This is going to be interesting.

Its probably going to be a rebranded firefox. They have been heavily involved with firefox from what I've read.

Do we really need another browser? I know I dont.

Its probably going to be a rebranded firefox. They have been heavily involved with firefox from what I've read.

Do we really need another browser? I know I dont.

I like playing with browsers so I like to see a new one. Plus I like so many Google products, Gmail, Google Reader, Calendar, iGoolge, Google Tool Bar to name a few. They usually do something interesting so it will be fun to see what they come up with. They need to do something unique to set themselves apart from the other browsers out there. I won't be testing the beta but I look forward to some reviews and screen shots from those that do.

Pics have already leaked out before the official release. There was some video to but they killed those quick.

Ha Ha Google has a 38 page comic book outlining the features of it's new browser "Chrome". If they get a nice community of addon developers this will be very nice.

The page loads slow but it's there.

See if this link loads faster for you

See if this link loads faster for you

Yeah thats better.

See if this link loads faster for you

I like these testers


Anyone else try it yet? Its really ugly.

Programs should not use their own window borders. Also where is the menu bar?

Yeah this browser is pretty awful, I would rather use IE6 than this...

Surprisingly its based on webkit(safari) and not firefox.

Its pretty useless feature wise but it seems fast. Its sort of like going back a step in functionality even from IE6. It has tabs but that doesn't make up for all the stuff it doesn't have.

Surprisingly its based on webkit(safari) and not firefox.

Its pretty useless feature wise but it seems fast. Its sort of like going back a step in functionality even from IE6. It has tabs but that doesn't make up for all the stuff it doesn't have.

It's too early to to know what it will include when it's done. It's also open source so there will be many addons I would imagine.

Why'd they call it Chrome? That's an all too obvious referral to Mozilla. Nobody at Mozilla's complaining? They can't think of a unique name? Weird.

Why'd they call it Chrome? That's an all too obvious referral to Mozilla. Nobody at Mozilla's complaining? They can't think of a unique name? Weird.

They make no secret they borrowed heavily from Mozilla.

I think it's the most interesting new browser in a while. It's definitely different and has loads of potential.

I like the simplicity and clean cut looks, but it is still early days yet.

Why no Windows 2000 support?? So what if it's "outdated." When it comes to application development, 2000 is nearly identical to XP. I see no reason why a web browser would only support XP and Vista.

Die, 2000, die.

Surely you can read the signs?

Surely you can read the signs?

All I see is that it is supported for another 2 years and as far as web browsers go, there is no difference between the two. What about 2000 is so much different from XP that a web browser should work on one, but not the other? Every other browser on the planet (except Safari) works on both, so why not Google's?

I like it, above any other comment I noticed that it loads pages fast. for me that guarantees I'll use it Problem is, CCleaner doesn't delete the history. Looks like the techies need to get busy.

CCleaner is by far the best :-)