This install keeps trying to install but always fails. This has been an ongoing problem and is really starting to get old. When is this going to stop reporting errors when I do the health option?
This install keeps trying to install but always fails. This has been an ongoing problem and is really starting to get old. When is this going to stop reporting errors when I do the health option?
Most likely, this is failing because of an error in the Google installer itself. I believe that I recall seeing that this particular program had trouble updating from very old versions - and since the one being reported as currently being installed is 2 full versions out of date, that could certainly count.
As such, I'd recommend downloading the update directly from Google here: and seeing if that'll install by itself; if not, it should give an error message that could be tracked down in Google's knowledge base.
You might first try uninstalling the existing version of the software, that might just get rid of the error altogether - if my memory is correct.
In any event, once it is updated, then CCleaner should be able to keep it up-to-date.