Google Chrome History w/ "Skip UAC..." Set (Win7)

I'm reluctant to call this a bug, so am putting it here instead. I also can't seem to search for just "UAC", so here we are. This is really just something for Piriform, and CCleaner users, to think about. Piriform might be able to implement a solution, offer a warning, etc.It's possible that I'm wrong about this, too...

Background: I've had trouble with CCleaner not cleaning Google Chromer's browser history, and am not sure if it's been cleaning its cache, etc. (Windows 7 Home Premium SP1, 64-bit.) I've been clearing that stuff maually, from within Chrome.

Today, I finally realized what the issue might be, tested it, and it worked. I previously had CClearner set to "Skip User Account Control warning" in the advanced options. After turning that off, CCleaner was then able to clear Chrome's history, cache, and so on. (I guess the suggestion is to somehow deal with that...) Edit: sorry, that may not have worked after all... can this post be deleted?

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