Good JPeg Printer?

Does anyone know of a good JPeg Printer? Similar to a PDF Printer, in which you print to this virtual printer and end up with a PDF file, I need to be able to get a JPeg file. I know they exist, but I havn't been able to find one. Any information would be greatly appreciated.


Does anyone know of a good JPeg Printer? Similar to a PDF Printer, in which you print to this virtual printer and end up with a PDF file, I need to be able to get a JPeg file. I know they exist, but I havn't been able to find one. Any information would be greatly appreciated.


Is this what you are looking for

Why not just take a screenshot and then paste it into paint?

You could always create a document in Open Office and save it as a PDF file to it has a free PDF file maker.

MWSnap 3 is a great screen shot maker also.