global warming

"According to the latest United Nations scientific report, leading scientists around the world agree that man-made greenhouse gases from fossil fuels are causing global warming. Effects are already being seen worldwide. And long-term consequences are devastating, pointing to a darker future each day we fail to act."

For complete article click here

From many decades, scientists from various contries are talking about global warming issues and changes that can occur in weather but now everybody is feeling changes in weather cycle. What do you feel about it and suggest some ways to stop it.

Its a myth!

If we humans think we have influence on global climate then you are in league with the thinkers of the day that thought that Earth was the center of the Universe.

The Myth Of Global Warming

By the way I know of some real good real estate in Florida that is going real cheap:

I'm also thinking it's a complete myth like you YoKenny.

Sure people that have a cause for it to be true want their grant money, and an audience to entertain and they will state their claims and such and even try to debunk things like the absolute weather driver on Earth - that being our star the Sun. We also can't forget the Earths orbit around the Sun which does fluctuate.

They can say it will be hotter and such, then the Earth could move into an "ice age" and chill out the whole conversation and force millions of people to move. Worse yet if the planet goes into Snowball Earth.

Right now I would settle for any kind of warming as it is currently -12C with snow flurries and about 15cm snow cover.

-15,9 ?C here and plenty of snow. Hrr. Sun seems to shine.

It's 12pm here. Overall it's a nice winter day, even though a bit cold.

I'm on the fence. I think we are burning way to much crap into our atmosphere. I think we do have some affect on it. However, I'm more on the lines of we need to be more energy efficient. With nearly 7 billion people on the planet, we have to have some affect. I don't want this to turn into a debate. Yes, Al Gore lied when he said if the polar ice caps melt, sea levels will rise. (Fresh water is less dense then salt water = won't make them rise.) However, I don't' want polar bears wiped out if I can help it, along with penguins. If we're heading into a warmer period, and it's no fault of our own, fine I understand. However, if it IS our fault, I want to fix it.


I'm not convinced that global warming is a myth or fact. Either way, it can't be good to be polluting at the rate humankind is polluting, and any anti pollution methods are a good thing in my personal long as they are viable, both economically, sustainably, and logistically.

We do a lot of recycling, composting and attempt to be as environmentally friendly as we can be in our home. We aren't perfect, and there is always room for improvement, but if everyone does a little bit of conservation, maybe we can slow the decline of our environment. :)