Glary Utilities

For those who use Glary Utilities, have you had a good experience with it? I was thinking of installing it, but it seems to duplicate several apps I already have. Don't know if it would really add anything to my existing "arsenal."

For those who use Glary Utilities, have you had a good experience with it? I was thinking of installing it, but it seems to duplicate several apps I already have. Don't know if it would really add anything to my existing "arsenal."

I use it and like it very much. It is one of the best all in one utilities out there. If you have a lot of maintenance programs already there will be some duplication with Glary's but it's still got some great tools worth having. I use the disk space analyzer often. It breaks down from biggest to smallest all the folders and files on your HD. It is the nicest and clearest tool for that I have tried and I have tried many. I would use Glary's just to get that.

If you aren't sure why not try the portable version?

For those who use Glary Utilities, have you had a good experience with it? I was thinking of installing it, but it seems to duplicate several apps I already have. Don't know if it would really add anything to my existing "arsenal."

Great utility, helps catch some stuff ccleaner misses

Yeah, like win.ini?