get rid of the advertisements,

ok i have some critics about this whole website, it has too many advertisements, i understand that you CCleaner developers want some ca$h, but... all the advertisements does make CCleaner look like a 3rd party program bundled with adawares and spywares,

heres some suggestion of how to make cash with out crappy advertisements.

1.get rid of all the advertisements on this website,

2.theres another way to earn money, and that is to ask people to register before they can downlaod CCleaner.

in the registration section people have to fill in some information depends on what information you developers wanna know, to be able to download the CCleaner people will need to fill in their email, "for an activation key" users will have to activate the registration acoount to be able to obtain CCleaner. people will see banners,advertisements,sponsors "or whatever" in the activation mail that people have received,

it is way better than all these ads on the website, it doesnt look very representative.

I think most people would rather look at a few google ads at the top of this site than have to register to download.(plus it would be more of a hassle for MrG.) I bet that most of the regular users here probably have forgotten about or didn't even know the google ads are there. :P



or a good host file

Will all make the ads disappear. :D

What ads? As a Firefox user with Stylish and Ad Blocking Filterset P, I see very few ads anywhere.


I don't see any either thanks Firefox with Adblock and FiltersetG :)

Opera with hosts files - no ads either!

Mozilla Firefox with Adblock. No ads here. ;)

IE6 with DNSKong & eDexter ... no ads.

Firefox and MVPS hosts ads for me either.

Well I don't think we need 300 posts saying why we each can't see ads. :D