Get more fuel for your money?

According to Jeremy Clarkson from what he stated on the automotive T.V. show Top Gear if a vehicle is fueled in the morning hours when the temperature isn't as hot you'll get "more fuel for your money" because at a lower temperature the fuel is more condensed.

I absolutely didn't know that, and with the current worldwide fuel prices it may very well be worth a try.

Sorry but it won't work (at least in Canada, check the law in your jurisdiction).

By law, fuel is required to be sold by temperature corrected volume. The pump register shows the theoretical volume at 15 degrees Celsius.

In any case, the fuel is probably at ground temperature which changes very little during the day.

You may get slightly more fuel in your tank (that's why pit crews fuel race cars with cryogenically cooled fuel) but you will pay for it.

Good points. We may also have to take into consideration the fuel that's already in our automobile fuel tank.