GeneraCCleaner Clarifcation.....

I have had CC (currently version 2.04.543) for several months, and tend to run it at least once a week, as well as other "comparable products" to insure "I'm as clean as possible." Overkill???

I have XP, and use Firefox and T-bird as my primary browser/email.

1) Please clarify "Uninstall"- it is actually a program uninstaller vs. a startup uninstaller, right?

2) How "thorough" is "Uninstall"- I get McAfee free with Comcast, and it MADE me unstall AVG prior to fixing/updating McAfee. I was having a terrible time doing this, until I found "Revo" it seemed to do the trick, so I use it now.... how does it compare to CC's uninstall (assuming it is a total uninstall program? I've heard so many good things about AVG, I was hesitant to uninstall it....... but did anyway.

3) About a month ago, I started using "Start-up Inspector," and in comparing what it says I have in my start-up routine vs. CC is different.... SUI only shows "McAfee" and "Google Inspector;" while, CC shows these 2 plus 3 others that I don't think I want in the start-up (?) They are ctfmon.exe; PC-Checkup; and ....system32\dumprep.ece.... Which should I consider as being accurate? and use in the future to insure I have limited items in my start-up? Should I use both?

4) What exactly "compact registry" do? I guess it is obvious, but what benefits will I see? More speed?

5) I have not tried/installed Recura and Defraggler? Should I? Are these a step-up from other options?

Other not-so CC related questions, if you all don't mind.....

1) I've seen several people on this forum mention not liking the new Ad-Aware 2007, and many folks stuck with the older version. I planned to uninstall the new version and download the old again. So I went to the Lavasoft site, and it doesn't have the old version..... any thoughts?

2) Over the last couple of months, my Microsoft aps have started retaining many temp Office user files in my document storage folders. I'm sure I did something to cause this, but can't figure out what? In short, I go to a folder where there should be 2 files for instance; but it also has, say maybe a dozen temp versions of these files. Anyone have an idea what I did; or better yet, what I need to do?

I appreciate any feedback anyone might provide; and sorry for "stepping out-of-line" with a couple of questions not directly related to CC....

As for Ad Aware I am so in tune with that and I feel very well informed believe it or not.

You can ask them where you can re install the download to the SE. People are doing it but I so many asking where is it ,then they found it and did it but what became an issue is that the Definitions manually would not update to the SE for too many.

LIKE ME! So I uninstalled and left it ,sadly sadly disgusted they ruined the best Ad Aware Program that worked like a charm.

Yesterday Jan 31st I did see where you could dowload a choice side by side. Ad Aware SE or 2007 {Definitions}.

That's all I saw. I did not see or look for a full download but it was Lavasofts site and first time I saw that exact side by side definition update representation .

Maybe on the page there was a link to the old version too.

I can try to find it again.

YOUR best bet is to go back over to the forum and just ask or search for it.

The forum is flooded and reviews everywhere have complaints /problems with 2007 the newest. They screwed up but your question should be easy enough.


I would love truly to hear back how it goes when you do download the SE again and if the manual definitions work for you.

Keep in mind they will not be there forever for the SE.

They think a few years maybe??

Tinyspirit {Please PM me and tell me what happens}

P.S Every tech and their mother will suggest AVG. I loved Norton and never had problems. It is a HOG and the only problem I ever had was Uninstalling by professionals 3 times after it was sold from original owner. Everytech will download AVG without even telling you. I did it by calling who I would use as a tech.It's been a year and I hate it more than anything. It's the Free version. I was told DO NOT pay.not worth it. I beg to differ. Anyway it causes problems for a year now everyday during it's 2 hr scan. I'm leaving it as told until I get a way physically due to illness to move get going and get money to hire a tech I need urgently. BUT for an anti virus It causes me complications every day since download. I'm told to keep it when I call and explain to them. I trust them. They are well known and also famous personalities. Not picked out of no where.

Why did you uninstall and what do you have now?

Lastly-you need to stop downloading everything in sight.

You must have the defragger on your comuter now,don't you. It works great if you do.Why download a new "Toy"?

I'm not happy with many programs but my defragger on my computers always work perfect.

Why do you feel you need another one? Unless you have such an old computer .

One more thing!

We must keep on top of maintaining our computers but overkill will do more harm than good.

We can really protect with quite a few programs.

Registry Cleaners. Do not use more than what's on your computer and probably CCleaner.

I knew this before being told on the microsoft forums yesterday .

I will come back and post a link for you to read.

I think if you have to use another just to see the difference,go ahead carefully but don't start using all of these registry cleaners.

I'll get the link and post it shortly for you.

Tinyspirit {I just wrote Overkill and didn't see that you questioned yourself also about Overkill}

The Link: Think your Registry needs "cleaning"? Read and draw your own conclusions.

Thanks for the feedback/input...... and sorry for being so tardy in acknowledging your comments- My D-Link network "exploded" this week. and every free minute has been consumed with it...... now get this- they sent me a replacement, but it was and OLDER model. You would think in the name of good customer service, they would at least have provided me the same model/version, if not the most current..... but NOOOOOO!

I've gotten in a bad habit of having to try out all the toys, trying to figure out which is best.... and am slowly learning that is a bit much.... I'm on Comcast, and they provide McAfee free, and it hiccuped a couple of weeks ago, and instructed me I HAD to uninstall other services, ie, AVG. AVG is probably better, and I may have made the wtong decision there.... time will tell..... I'll check out the Ad Aware approach a little later---- still have a few more pressing issues to tend to! Blah!

I'll take a look at your links in a bit..... Thanks for your feedback!!

One more thing!

We must keep on top of maintaining our computers but overkill will do more harm than good.

We can really protect with quite a few programs.

Registry Cleaners. Do not use more than what's on your computer and probably CCleaner.

I knew this before being told on the microsoft forums yesterday .

I will come back and post a link for you to read.

I think if you have to use another just to see the difference,go ahead carefully but don't start using all of these registry cleaners.

I'll get the link and post it shortly for you.

Tinyspirit {I just wrote Overkill and didn't see that you questioned yourself also about Overkill}

The Link: Think your Registry needs "cleaning"? Read and draw your own conclusions.