What the hell?
This topic was created by slowday444 and when I clicked it there was no post... So I responded and got the first post in the topic.
Anyway there were a bunch of updates today so get them if you haven't.
I noticed that there was even a security update to IE6 if you don't have IE7 installed. So if they are going to still support it and you hate IE7, it should still be about as safe to use 6 as it always was.(which isn't very..)
Your not paying attention. Look at what the above post says.
It still says that this topic was created by slowday444...
Yea, I had to download 10 updates today.
Maybe it wasn't slowday444, it could have been his ghost.....
Maybe it wasn't slowday444, it could have been his ghost.....
or mabye it was slowday444 but was unable to finish his topic due to super natural stuff........spooky.............
yes that update was annoying as it hit you with what seemed to be everything at once but i am sure that windows knows what they are doing and it wasn't just to piss people off
There was another post like this in the CCleaner forum I opened it and it was empty except for the title....
I don't think its there anymore.
Well, ghost or not, I'm back! Anyway, happy I got my point across! It's 4:00AM in PA and time to shovel some more snow before work!
Well if we are going down the spooky road - Devil went down to Georgia - by the Charles Daniel Band is almost 666 seconds long.
They have updated the error reporting tool.
It's now wider and has a close when finished check box for when you upload the report.
Found this out cause Windows Live Messenger crashed when I finished restarting after updating, which autoupdate didn't pick up I had to go to the Windows Update page to get (14 High rated updates)...
I had to go to the Windows Update page to get (14 High rated updates)...
I ended up having to get all 17 updates available for my PC from Microsoft Updates. Automatic updates really is a total complete p.o.s. because it never even triggered until of course the updates were already downloading from Microsoft Updates.
got all my updates,but theres always 2 updates that will never install,dunno why
did i see some update about a windows malicious removal tool thingy?
Yeah, the update that thing every patch tuesday now.
Its just a small tool that checks for a few worms like sasser and stuff.
You can run a full scan via : start > run > type mrt > ok.
Pretty cool, I didn't know that.
I think it scans when you install it right?
I've never really thought about it that much.
Another phantom post
There were 17 updates on our other machine, 14 high-priority
You can run a full scan via : start > run > type mrt > ok.
But of course you need to download the newest version, either with Automatic Updates, Windows Update, or from this download link.
possibly a stupid Q but is the windows malicious removal tool any good?