My list:
Dreamfall - The Longest Journey
Command and Conquer: Generals Zero Hour
Command and Conquer: Red Alert
Command and Conquer: Red Alert 3
Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars
Command and Conquer 3: Kane's Wrath
World Of Warcraft
Half Life 2
Far Cry 2
Sims 2
Supreme Commander
Supreme Commander Forged Alliance
Max Payne
Max Payne 2
Doom 3
Diablo 2
OH GOD when I was little I loved Duke 3D atomic addition, I had all the addons. I found a version ported to win32 but it was a little buggy, still awesome. Atomic Winter and Caribbean were fun, Duke it out in DC was kinda hard.
Im going to get Left 4 Dead soon - My friend keeps trying to get me to switch to WAR because he got bored of wow and switched
If we're talking non computer games, I could go on forever. I'll get a picture of my desk soon enough, its got quite a few games on it.
hate to mention em but these games are best -IMHO:
midnight club 3 dub edition remix
mercenaries 1
hitman blood money
for ps2. ok, so i like older games.
=( I'm alone in my dislike of next-gen video games
=( I'm alone in my dislike of next-gen video games
I don't even have the Windows supplied Games on my system.
I like the game of Life that unfolds before my eyes in real 3D Technicolor and I don't have to pay a nickel for it.
I don't even have the Windows supplied Games on my system.
I like the game of Life that unfolds before my eyes in real 3D Technicolor and I don't have to pay a nickel for it.
Life? I've played that game. Worst game ever.
Ha ha, Nice image Winapp2.ini
Winapp2.ini, that was me when I had dark hair instead of this mess of gray I have now.
I made a video of some of my games ~
Keep in mind only /some/ are there.
Sorry for my choice in music, I had the thing on shuffle. 7,873 songs but sometimes I fancy some of my less played music (that was Drop Dead Gorgeous)
I made that wooden board
edit: hahaha, all the "related" videos are of CCleaner
Good video winapp.
Good video winapp.
You'd think with 3 digital cameras, one would have a working battery for me to take a picture. hehe.
You'd think with 3 digital cameras, one would have a working battery for me to take a picture. hehe.
I have one and I purchased 4 Ni Cad rechargeable batteries with a charger from Radio Shack that I keep handy as it would go through the 2 AAs it needs in no time.
If I am going on a long trip I have a 4 pack of fresh alkalines handy.
I was a Boy Scout so I know the meaning of Be Prepared
=( I'm alone in my dislike of next-gen video games
Not totally alone. I can't stand RPG or FPS games. Kinda fun to watch a friend play them for about 10 minutes. That is it.
I play games on my xbox 360, not much of a pc guy anymore.
Lately I've been playing bioshock, gears of war 2, and devil may cry 4. All excellent.
360 :
Elders Scrolls IV : Oblivion
Viva Pi?ata 1 & 2.
Lego Star Wars.
And for Wii :
Super Smash Brothers Brawl
de Blob
Rayman Raving Rabbids 1-3.
Mario Galaxy...
I see nobody has chimed in with Scrabble.
At the moment my fav would be the PS3's F1 Championship Edition, although I wish it had an extreme to impossible difficultly choice because the defaults just aren't hard enough for me.
Urban Terror