Fully recovered video files won't play

I am trying to recover some video files off a Kodak micro sd card. Many of them were not fully recoverable, but the ones that were will not play. Any suggestions?

I have had the same problem. Every time I successfully recover the files (I have done this for the same files to three different locations now), I get the same error message:

"This file isn't playable. That might be because the file type is unsupported, the file extension is incorrect, or the file is corrupt. 0xc00d36c4"

Does anyone know what this means, or how to fix it?

It means, in the most basic terms, that what you are trying to play is not a video file. What has been recovered will be faithfully what is on the storage device. What is on the storage device is therefore not a playable video file (you can replace video with any type of file).

Why is this so? It could be because the file has been overwritten, it's FAT32, it's greater than 4gb, it's an SSD, or it's some kind of coding that needs decoding (I have no idea how Kodak holds its files), or something else I don't know about.

Can these files be recovered? There's not enough info (there's not any info) to say yes or no, but one could say probably not.

With some files that are "successfully recovered" but can't be opened having a proper header in them can make them usable again.

As for video files that won't play they may need to be muxed to save a proper header in them so that video players know what they are and how to play them with a given codec. Basically what this details is re-saving (no need for re-encoding/transcoding) with a video editing tool, and there are a few freeware/open source video editing tools that can do it.

I had a similar issue with a few MP4 files deleted from a SanDisk card. The video files couldn't be played although the recovered files looked like valid MP4s. Eventually, I managed to repair some of the files with a video repair tool, which fixes empty headers of the video files.

If you're Ok with sharing your video files, you could upload one of them to Dropbox or Google Drive and then PM the link and I will try to fix it.