May I add other suggestions for the french translation (CCLeaner v2.17.853) ?
Sorry for the rather long post, but I wanted it to be clear & straighforward for the translation team.
* "Cleaner" section :
Replace.: "Analyse" (button)
By......: "Analyser"
Note....: More consistent
Replace.: "Lancer le nettoyage" (button)
By......: "Nettoyer"
* "Registry" section :
Replace.: "DLLs Partag?es Inexistantes" (option)
By......: "DLL partag?es inexistantes"
Replace.: "Arrangement du Menu D?marrer"
By......: "Arrangement du menu D?marrer"
Note....: In french, all "useless" uppercased initials should be removed (in all the other option item/button/window titles as well). The exception : begining of a sentence, family names and -here- software option items (as shown in the system menus, options, ...)
Replace.: "ActiveX et Class Invalides" (option)
By......: "ActiveX et classes incorrectes"
Replace.: "Type de librairies" (option & other)
By......: "Type de biblioth?que"
Note....: (Faux ami !)
Replace.: "Chercher les erreurs" (button)
By......: "Analyser"
Replace.: "R?parer les erreurs s?lectionn?es" (button)
By......: "R?parer"
Replace.: "Cl? Registre" (field title)
By......: "Cl? de registre"
* "Tools" section :
Replace.: "Sauver le texte..." (button)
By......: "Sauver la liste..."
* "Options" section :
Replace.: "A Propos." (button)
By......: "? propos"
Note....: Even uppercase characters can be accentuated nowadays (and since a long time ago thanks to Extended ASCII).
* "Options/Include" :
Replace.: "Personnaliser" (Section title)
By......: "Inclusion"
* "Options/Exclude" :
Replace.: "Exclure" (Section title)
By......: "Exclusion"
* "Options/Include", "Options/Exclude" sections :
Replace.: "Editer" (button)
By......: "?diter"
Note....: Same as above - even uppercase characters are ought to be accentuated in french (according to the Imprimerie Nationale for what I've been told).
For the new "Wipe Free Space" option, I would suggest "Vider l'espace disponible" (variant "Vidage de l'espace disponible").
Aethec's notes apparently still apply for the latest available version.
If this can help.
Have a nice day !