
each time i launch the analisis it freeze on 99% for one minutes and then it's go one, before i format my hdd it works fine.

i try it on others pc and this problems seem not to happen

welcome to the CC forums :D

could you try running it in safe mode?

when the computer is booting up, repeaditly hit F8 and it will take you to a menu where you can select safe mode :)

i try it in safe mode but the problem remain.... i have format my hdd again i have install ccleaner immediatly after i finished to install win xp and the problem remain. i think this problem has no relationship with all the sw that i install on my machine and no with the operating system

what OS are you running? ex, 98, 98SE, XP home, ect...

also, are you using the latest version of Ccleaner?

what OS are you running? ex, 98, 98SE, XP home, ect...

also, are you using the latest version of Ccleaner?

i use windows xp professional sp2 and i have the latest version of ccleaner

my pc configuration is: amd athlon 64 3000+, 1gb of ram, 3 hdd (160,120 and 80 GB). geforce 6600gt)

p.s. before i format my pc, ccleaner works fine

What happens when you "run" Ccleaner?

does it still freeze?

also, try this.

Download and install/reinstall the Microsoft Visual Basic Runtime Files, and restart your computer immediately after installation - even if you aren't prompted to do so. Then try to run CCleaner again.

What happens when you "run" Ccleaner?

does it still freeze?

also, try this.

i already install vb6.....

when i launch "cleaner" it is very fast, but when i launch "issues" on ca. 98-99% it freeze and then it goes on... frueher war das nicht so

i am getting a bit confused.

in your first post you said it was when you analyzed.

now your saying its when you check for issues?

is it both?

sorry i say wrong in the first post ... it's freeze only in the issues

thanks for makin that clear, there may be polocies restricting something so run this batch i have attached and post back what it comes up with. B)

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00




Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00



i solve my problem, i just install the latest driver of my vga card (geforce 6600gt) and now all is function

good thing you got it all fixed :D

feel free to stick around the forums and chat if you wish :)

i solve my problem, i just install the latest driver of my vga card (geforce 6600gt) and now all is function

Who would've thunk it - that's very interesting that is was your display card drivers that caused all the grief. It will be one other thing for us to remember and suggest if CC is freezing on someones PC.