I was having trouble with the internet and was told to download ca security center by my isp. After doing that, when I run c cleaner it freezes when emptying the recycle bin. I let it run for an hour and a half and shut it down. If I unchecked the recycle bin it works fine. I tried 3 different virus scans and none turned up and problems. I am just short of reformatting the hard drive. I do not want to but do not know where to go from here. The question is Why is it freezing on emptying the recycle bin?
Have you tried it in Safe Mode, worth a try.
Hi rmestep, and welcome to the forum.
Whoa there. Don't go reformatting your Hard Drive for something like this. After trying Andavaris suggestion, there are a couple of other things to check out.
Is your Recycle Bin working normally otherwise? If the Recycler folder has become corrupted for any reason, that's easily fixed.
What was the problem you were having with the Internet which led your ISP to recommend CA Security Centre? Their solution might be the cause of your current problem. These things happen.
If you don't fix it, come back and give us some extra information. First of all which Operating System do you have, XP? Vista? And of course, your original problem.
well after downloading yet another virus scan {do not remember which one this time} It says I have a Trojan. win32/agentbypass.genk I can not find it or get rid of it. I tried with 5 different virus tools. I am running xp pro. 1.8 dual core with the 945 chip set. It started with internet slow on my computer not the others, 3 total. Then just stopped, on for 2 minutes, then off 3 or 4 hours, repeat. I called to check with my isp and after doing some checks they recommended to try the ca. they could see that I should have about 25 mb activity and they said I was running 150 on my computer alone. I think the one that found it is ca security center the free one from road runner.
well after downloading yet another virus scan {do not remember which one this time} It says I have a Trojan. win32/agentbypass.genk I can not find it or get rid of it. I tried with 5 different virus tools. I am running xp pro. 1.8 dual core with the 945 chip set. It started with internet slow on my computer not the others, 3 total. Then just stopped, on for 2 minutes, then off 3 or 4 hours, repeat. I called to check with my isp and after doing some checks they recommended to try the ca. they could see that I should have about 25 mb activity and they said I was running 150 on my computer alone. I think the one that found it is ca security center the free one from road runner.
Hi rmestep,
If you want to make sure that you don't have any malware you can follow the instructions here, then post your results here, and someone will assist you.
Enjoy your holidays!
P.S. you are far from needing to reformat.
That just leaves me to say happy holidays and don't worry, following krits advice will get you sorted out.
If you have any problems with any of it, just post back and ask.
I was on another help page and they recommended removing some filters from my dvd drive and I did. well that just gave me the blue screen or torment. so I formatted and reinstalled windows, now it works fine. thanks for reading and trying to help me.
Thanks for posting back. Its a shame you had to reinstall, but I'm pleased all's fine for you now.