Freeware Photo conversion

Alrighty. I scanned a whole bunch of old photos of the family and I and put them on my computer, but saved them to bmp files. What I need to do is convert them to jnp because the site I want to put them on does not support bmp files..ARGHGHG!

It took a long time to scan them, so I really would rather just convert the files. What is the most simple to use freeware program (if it exists) to do this? Like a drag and click kind of thing. Thanks! :)

Either of these should help you

I like

What I need to do is convert them to jnp because the site I want to put them on does not support bmp files
I bet you mean jpg ;)
I like

I bet you mean jpg ;)

Yeah thats what i meant. brain is mush, ive been up for two days straight. i had to go to the gym to lift some weights to clear my head. :)

thanks for that! :)

I don't know why bmp files were ever invented. They're 5 times the size of equivalent jpegs.

If you want complaint JPG's that will work and not be deemed broken with things like Home DVD Players that support JPG I wouldn't use IrfanView. Instead give Paint.NET a try, or even the built-in Microsoft Paint. I personally use Paint.NET because you can save the JPG's based upon quality say 95% or 100%, MS Paint doesn't allow this.

I don't know why bmp files were ever invented.

Images embedded inside of applications use BMP.

You may also want to take a look at Format Factory.

You may also want to take a look at Format Factory.

Interesting conversion program! What's your impression of it?

FastStone Image Viewer offers single and batch file conversion. Far better than the extremely basic IrfanView IMO.

picture resizer freeware version

great little utility to have... I even use this to resize pics for my cellphone.