Alrighty. I scanned a whole bunch of old photos of the family and I and put them on my computer, but saved them to bmp files. What I need to do is convert them to jnp because the site I want to put them on does not support bmp files..ARGHGHG!
It took a long time to scan them, so I really would rather just convert the files. What is the most simple to use freeware program (if it exists) to do this? Like a drag and click kind of thing. Thanks!
If you want complaint JPG's that will work and not be deemed broken with things like Home DVD Players that support JPG I wouldn't use IrfanView. Instead give Paint.NET a try, or even the built-in Microsoft Paint. I personally use Paint.NET because you can save the JPG's based upon quality say 95% or 100%, MS Paint doesn't allow this.