I have an old Win 98 machine (it is fully updated with the patches etc) , I know 98 has gone past its end of life now anyway
Latest (v2.17.853) CCleaner, 98SE , 10gb FAT32 drive (just one large partition)
Perhaps its known about and does not support this on 98, but I thought I'd post a quick bug report.
The free space is not wiped by CCleaner. Actually, it does not attempt this at all (example: if you choose to just wipe free space on floppy drive A instead or in addition) , there is no attempt to do it.
From memory (mine, not the pc's) I don't think that CC supports secure deletion ubder Win98, and free space wipe is doing secure deletion, so maybe the two are linked?
Well its a confusing statement, if its free space then there's nothing on it to delete.
ah, but it's not always "free" in the sense that there's nothing there. If you delete a file via the recycle bin Windows doesn't actually delete the file but rather deletes reference to the file in the Master File Table and marks the space occupied by that file as free for use (ie the deleted file becomes part of free space)- eventually it may be written over by another file but then again it may not. In addition, some applications place files into free space as part of their normal operations, for example temporary files, backup files, etc that the program may create and then automatically delete. The result is a free space that actually contains files that can be recovered. So overwriting free space often means overwriting deleted files.
In addition free space wipes work by writing temporary files to free space, to fill free space until there is none left and then securely overwriting these files to delete the temporary files. So the actual act of doing a free space wipe requires the ability to create and then securely delete temporary files.
Since v.2.15, CCleaner is no longer able to analyse the PC: time = 0,002 s, 0 byte deleted (because 0 byte found !)
Changelog v2.15 : Fixed two minor compatibility bugs with Win98
Il is obvious that a new bug was introduced with this version
Since your last comment in a few topics Jean I said that CCleaner 2.17.853 locked my computer up when I did an Analyse. I've downloaded and run CCleaner 2.18.878 and that does an Analyse without any problem now. Maybe the bug has been fixed.
Since your last comment in a few topics Jean I said that CCleaner 2.17.853 locked my computer up when I did an Analyse. I've downloaded and run CCleaner 2.18.878 and that does an Analyse without any problem now. Maybe the bug has been fixed.
I think you mean an other bug. My computer is not looked up when I does an analyse
Version 2.18 continues to find 0 byte in 0,062 secs, because it does NO analyse. The bug has not been fixed
I think you mean an other bug. My computer is not looked up when I does an analyse
Version 2.18 continues to find 0 byte in 0,062 secs, because it does NO analyse. The bug has not been fixed
Well you're saying it doesn't analyse correctly and I'm saying it locks up when I analyse. Either way it didn't function correctly. My v2.18 show loads of bytes. I generally only use CC once a week unless a new version comes out in the week, like this week.