Free Space Cleaner

CCleaner needs a tool that cleans free space. I do a lot of things on my computer that require me to make my computer secure at all times right now I use a program that does it but I would rather it be all in one. thanks for your time.

This has been requested several times before but has met with some resistance from other members. CC isn't a disk washer and many would like it to stay that way, small and cute.

This has been requested several times before but has met with some resistance from other members. CC isn't a disk washer and many would like it to stay that way, small and cute.

Make two versions. Or make it an option.. should be simple enough.

Make two versions. Or make it an option.. should be simple enough.

If you was making a program for free. would you want to make 'another' free version?

I like CCleaner as it is. Yes another version would not make a difference to me. But why not just download eraser to clean free space?

or even use recova to wipe the 'actual' file you want removed. this will be much faster then cleaning the whole drive

CCleaner needs a tool that cleans free space. I do a lot of things on my computer that require me to make my computer secure at all times right now I use a program that does it but I would rather it be all in one. thanks for your time.

If you are running Windows (2000 and later) you can do like I do and have the built in utilities in Windows do it for you according to a schedule.

AT = Microsoft's Scheduler Program

CIPHER = Microsoft's NTFS Encryption Program

Both applications are installed by default and can run seamlessly in the background. Cipher takes all available disk space on the drive/partition specified and writes zeros and random data to it making it unrecoverable by basic software-based recovery methods.

For example, if you want to wipe your C:\ partition at 8:00 PM every weekday, you would enter the following command at a command prompt:

C:\>at 20:00 /every:M,T,W,Th,F cipher /w:C

Then, at the command prompt, issue the at command without any parameters to verrify the schedule. It should look something like this:

C:\>atStatus ID   Day					 Time		  Command Line-------------------------------------------------------------------------------	1   Each M T W Th F		 8:00 PM	   cipher /w:CC:\>

Of course, you can always issue the cipher command when ever you like, such as after deleting a really sensitive document. Just keep in mind that it does tie up considerable system resources and depending on the ammount of free space, can take a long time to complete.

Hope this helps.

From what I remember Cipher is only available in the pro Windows versions. Things might have changed though.

From what I remember Cipher is only available in the pro Windows versions. Things might have changed though.

According to Microsoft "Cipher.exe is available in Windows 2000 Service Pack 3 or later or the Windows 2000 Security Rollup Package 1 (SRP1)". Cipher is leveraged as part of Microsoft's EFS solution and therefore should be on all Windows Operating Systems beyond Win2K SP3. However, if you type cipher at a command prompt and it tells you "'cipher' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file." (or something of that nature) and are running Win2K SP2 or later, you might need to download and install the Windows 2000 Security Rollup Package 1 (SRP1). If this is not the case and you are running XP, Vista, Server '03, or something later (like Windows 7) there is a problem with EFS on your computer or cipher.exe is corrupt. (Default locations on XP appear to be; "C:\WINDOWS\system32" and "C:\WINDOWS\ServicePackFiles\i386" but I also found it in "C:\i386" as well as a prefetch version on one of my systems.)

More information on using cipher is available here:

Hope this helps

I know it ain't on my XP Home SP2. I understand that Cipher is part of FRS and there are many hits, including good old Wikip, saying that EFS is not part of XP Home. I'm not really bothered but it might dash some users' hopes.