Free Drivers!

I believe I've seen posts here requesting free driver updates. Up until now I was never able to find any. It was a real drag having XP search for them and more often than not it came back empty, despite the fact the commercial apps that scan then pay to download always listed many. This program found about a dozen on this 4+ yr old dell. I did them all and it still works! lol After you select a driver it will list a choice of sites to download the file from with the number of downloads from the site and the success percentage. You have to register and accept their news letter but can unsubscribe. Enter an email addy (web) you rarely use. After you use the program disable its auto start with CCleaner.

I just use Dell's site itself for any drivers to my Dell PC. Third-party drivers made by someone else can cause havoc on a system.

Definitely never use any third-party non-official flash-based updates for your drives, or motherboard as that's a sure fire way of destroying them and buying new hardware.

My friend's old Compaq system was infected with one of the antivirus2008 trojans about a month ago and I tried everything to remove it but because it was Win98SE none of the removal tools would work.

I did a FORMAT and installed Win98SE then the available Updates from Microsoft but I could not get the video adapter to go above 16 color so I did a Google search on that model and the only place I could find a driver for that model was on that I had to register to so I did and downloaded the driver and it worked great.

I had searched the Compaq site but they had no drivers for that model.

So far I have not received any spam from them.