Free ccleaner is compatible with ssd disk

Hello, I wanted an information about ccleaner free version, its use is compatible with a ssd disk for pc? can I possibly clean the windows 10 registry from the traces left by the installations with this program or better not to use the registry cleaning at all? kindly ask if you can tell me the options to disable in order to use ccleaner on this ssd disk in order to avoid problems with the ssd indicated, I await a reply, thanks

It's completely compatible with SSDs.

the thing to watch with SSDs is the over-use of high I/O programs, so if you had any concerns, simply run CC less frequently.

and yes, avoid Reg cleaners under Windows 10. Simply no need unless you are troubleshooting actual problems. From a maintenance view point, you'll achieve no performance gain.

With SSDs also avoid running these on it with CCleaner:

* Drive Wiper

* Secure Deletion

* Wipe Free Space

And if you're new to SSDs do not defragment them, just let Windows maintain them as it will periodically run a Trim command on the SSD. The only thing you need to do in that regard is make sure Trim is enabled if you use Windows 7 or newer.