free app that scan for known junk file?

Does anyone know of a free preferably open source app the scans your pc for extensions which you specifier i.e. known junk files(as it seems this feature is not coming to CCleaner :( ).

G-Lock Temp Cleaner

Nice app, does anyone know of a list of known junk which i can put in G-Lock to remove more rubbish. And can someone please tell me why oh why CCleaner does not get a junk scanner. There could be a junk.ini file which you put known junk file extensions in and it will remove them. That and more advanced registry cleaning would make this already brill app beyond brill maybe god like?

Start, run, cmd

del /s /f c:\*.(enter file extension here)


Be extra careful to not delete anything that's important....

Start, run, cmd

del /s /f c:\*.(enter file extension here)


Be extra careful to not delete anything that's important....

Are those for me to put in G-Lock Temp Cleaner or something else?

No, you don't really need G-Lock.

Press start, then run, and type in cmd

Press enter and a black box should appear.


del /s /f c:\*.(enter file extension here)

Obviously enter a file extension at the end such as tmp, pf, old, ect.


del /s /f c:\*.tmp

After you press enter it will delete them.

No, you don't really need G-Lock.

Press start, then run, and type in cmd

Press enter and a black box should appear.


? ? ? ? del /s /f c:\*.(enter file extension here)

Obviously enter a file extension at the end such as tmp, pf, old, ect.


? del /s /f c:\*.tmp

After you press enter it will delete them.

SO COULD THIS REALLY F-UP A COMPUTER IF YOU...SAY... ENTER .exe? not that i would do this :D


Of course it could, but so could a lot of other things. I did warn him about being extra careful. I use this all the time and nothing goes wrong. You just have to double check what extension you're putting in.

Anyway, who would enter .exe? :huh:

@ englishman, if you feel like something could go wrong then just use G-lock

Of course it could, but so could a lot of other things. I did warn him about being extra careful. I use this all the time and nothing goes wrong. You just have to double check what extension you're putting in.

Anyway, who would enter .exe? :huh:

@ englishman, if you feel like something could go wrong then just use G-lock

I've just given G-Lock a go but all the files it listed as junk were either a saved game which I obviously do not want to delete or in the a temp folder which CCleaner already empties. Any ideas of how can I get it to clean more actual(100% safe to remove)rubbish?

Thanks for the tip nod32 I never knew you could do that, but I think I would only do what you suggested if the extension was 100% safe to remove other wise I would problem delete something I shouldn't :blink:. Also when you do what you suggested does it list the files or just remove them and if it just removes them does it put the in the recycling bin?

After you type in the command and enter it, it scans your computer for the files ending with that extension. It deletes it for good (no recycle bin) so that's why it could pontentialy do something it shouldn't have done. If you want extra security when running the command, you could add the /p switch. It confirms with you before any file is deleted. This can be rather time consuming, but at least it's safer. Heres a quick run down of what the switches do:

del /s /f c:\*.tmp

the c:\ switch tells it where to look and the /p switch tells it to look in subdirectories.

the /f switch tries to force deletion of read only files.

And /s confirms with you before you delete anything.

If you want to try it out then go ahead.

Here's what it would look like with the /p switch.

del /s /f /p c:\*.(file extension)

Assuming C is the drive you want to clean.


Thuaght you might want to see what it looks like.

If you don't use the hibernation feature in xp and it's turned on this will generate a (junk) file equal to the size of your ram.To turn off, control panel-power options-hibernate and untick allow hibernation.