Anybody know any good free software for Linux? Especially Anti virus and Firewall applications.
Free Antivirus: F-Prot Antivirus for Linux Workstations
Free Firewall: search
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You dont really need virus protection when you run Linux because there are pretty much next to none viruses for the Linux platform and the operating system is pretty secure by design.
However, if you want virus protection, you can use ClamAV or gui-based application such as ClamTK. There is also AntiVir.
For firewall, you use iptables (probably comes with your Linux distribution) or some script that uses iptables.
make word documents, powerpoint presentations, and excell spread sheets.
Your distribution comes with alot of software for everyday use, which Linux distribution do you use?
I recently tried Ubuntu Linux, it was pretty nice.
My distribution of choice is Slackware Linux.
I'm on Ubuntu, how's Slackware?
make word documents, powerpoint presentations, and excell spread sheets.
Ubuntu comes with that
there's also an open source firewall called ClamAV. you might wanna check it out. i tried the Windows version of it and it worked like a charm .
ClamAV is Clam Antivirus, what you would've tried on Windows is ClamWin Free Antivirus.
Well, I'm having some trouble with my repositories and so I can't install it right now, but when I do I'll give you my opinion!
Ubuntu Linux is nice. My experience with it, was that its just run it and its ready and everything works.
Slackware is a little different, it is more Unix-like. It puts more emphasis on the console. It is like Linux without flavour.
Ubuntu Linux which you run comes with alot of software for everyday use. Check the Ubuntu software repositry, check SourceForge, check Freshmeat.
Ubuntu Linux is nice. My experience with it, was that its just run it and its ready and everything works.
Slackware is a little different, it is more Unix-like. It puts more emphasis on the console. It is like Linux without flavour.
Ubuntu Linux which you run comes with alot of software for everyday use. Check the Ubuntu software repositry, check SourceForge, check Freshmeat.
I'm having a shitload of trouble with Ubuntu at the moment... screen not centered, network not right etc etc and I tried d/l clam but when it installs it fails and i get errors all over the place even after pressing the shut down/restart button... When I do get all that stuff fixed and working, if ever, I will be sure to use those sites!
What version of Ubuntu do you use?
The newest version is "Breezy Badger", last I tried was "Hoary Hedgehog". Runned it off a LiveCD, worked like a charm.
Ubuntu website have a forum with alot of helpful people that can help you with your trouble and you can report about your problems. You can also get live support on IRC in #ubuntu at Freenode (
Maybe you have more luck with another distribution.
yeah that's pretty much what i meant
It's a big difference from an open source firewall.