Percentages are ranging from about 22-29% after quick or full defragmenting. Sounds like to me that is extremely high. What can you tell me about that?
Right above your post is this topic, it should lower your percentages
Right above your post is this topic, it should lower your percentages
I tried exactly what you said to try. It did not increase or decrease percentage- still hung at 23%. What does that mean exactly & is that anything to be concerned about?
This is concerning the free edition of Defraggler that I am having problems with.
What operating system are you using?
What operating system are you using?
I am using Windows Vista Home Basic on a Personal Computer.
Then if it were my machine I would clean out all but the last restore point as Vista seems to collect a lot of them.
(Please excuse the name of that site, I'm not insinuating that you are a dummy, however that site provides the clearest info on how to do this )
After you have done this, close the dialog boxes and run Defraggler to see what percentage it shows now.
I have just done a defrag of my hard drive. Here is what I am seeing right after I defragged and analyzed. Why are the fragmentation percentages so high and what does it mean? I have deleted all restore points in the past & it does lower the percentages way down, but only for a very short time. What procedure could I try in a sequence that you tell me in steps to see if it helps? Computer has been VERY slow to load most any website lately and takes a long time to close out a website.
Attached is a shot of an analyze right after I did a quick defrag.
Vista tends to crate shadow copies for just about anything you do.
What size do you have set for system restore?
Not positive, but I believe 5-GB. It will not store anymore than about 10- maximum different shadow copies. I know I reduced it sometime ago from default, and would store 10- 15 shadow copies.
Fragmentation Percentages were at 39% today. I removed all but the latest restore point and did a quick defrag. The percentage dropped to 14% after that. My question is how can I keep the percentages down without having to keep on removing restore points?
You can't, Windows is a messy child and begins fragmenting even while its being defragmented.