I have a question for you.. and I'm not trying to be a smarta*s.
All you ever do is complain about software not being free opensource blah blah but yet you use windows. Why?
Windows is the standard and everything works with it(I understand why the rest of the world uses windows) but you seem to admit to only using software thats on sourceforge so I doubt you would not have any problems finding the software that your using now.
To me it just seems rather hypocrytical to say I only use OpenSource yet you use windows. So eldmannen WHY?
I am a big fan of free and open source software.
I have used Slackware Linux before on my old SCSI disk, which unfortunately lately broke. Prior to that I used Red Hat Linux some, but since that disk broke, I almost only been using Ubuntu Linux via the LiveCD.
Currently I am running Windows XP Professional, but almost all software is FOSS (free open source software) with a handful of exceptions, such as CCleaner, Ad-Aware and a few other software.
I am skeptic to repartition an already partitioned drive.
I am planning to run Linux when I buy a new computer, I am not sure when I am going to buy a new computer, I have money, but every week there is new parts out, it's hard to decide when to buy. I have thought about an Conroe with 2 gb RAM, SATA disk, etc.
FOSS software that I currently use is Apache, PHP, MySQL, Miranda IM, FileZilla, OpenOffice, VLC, Firefox, Thunderbird, poEdit, Stellarium, SuperTux, WASTE, ClamWin, Wings 3D, HeidiSQL, Blender, DC++, Dev-C++, nmap, Stunnel, TrueCrypt, WinMerge, Zsnes, 7-Zip, ABC, Hydrogen, Inkscape, PuTTY, etc.