Foxit 2.0 released

Foxit PDF reader has been updated to 2.0. I cant get to the main site to get a change log because I guess its being overridden with people trying to get the new version. To those who don't know what foxit is its basically a replacement pdf reader for adobe. Its stand alone and doesn't take 5minutes to load like adobe. :P

i got to the main site. it looks like it got a new look :P

it also looks like the made the reader available for Linux and other OSes.

i also found this interesting.

the regular reader(not the Pro version) can be obtained at the Download section of the new website :).

I used to have an error with Foxit, causing it to use 100% CPU even after it was closed. Hope they fixed that bug, because this program is insanely useful :)

Got it.Thanks Rridgely. :)

Did you notice this at the link -

This program is small "(the download size less than 1MB)", and does not require installation.

Download Now

File Size: 1,758 KB

Don't forget about, I had seen it on there before anywhere else:

Both Filehippo and Betanews lists it as freeware, yet the Foxit EULA says you are not allowed to distribute it.

It's both freeware and commercial software. To use the Advanced plug-ins/add-ons you have to purchase them.

5. REDISTRIBUTION: You can not redistribute Foxit Reader under this agreement, please contact for information on our free redistribution agreement.

This is not "freeware" in my book.

Foxit Software ,,i,,

This is not "freeware" in my book.

Foxit Software ,,i,,

Would you rather use adobe? Thats about the only other option...

Would you rather use adobe? Thats about the only other option...

Heh, good point! :)

I have been looking at alternatives, unfortunately not really been able to find any. :(

The Adobe one is horrible, it takes forever to load and use much memory and is slow. I hate it.

Did you try foxit? It doesn't install anything and loads in about 2seconds every time I launch it. :)

Heh, good point! :)

I have been looking at alternatives, unfortunately not really been able to find any. :(

The Adobe one is horrible, it takes forever to load and use much memory and is slow. I hate it.


Thanks Rridgely. :)

Did you try foxit? It doesn't install anything and loads in about 2seconds every time I launch it. :)

Nah, I haven't tried it yet. It has quite a restrictive license. Today I live without a PDF reader.


I have heard of KPDF but as far as I know, there is no version for Windows? :(

then get on Linux :P. i have seen some unpopular pdf readers made in java and other languages for windows. but i didn't bother to use them.

then get on Linux :P. i have seen some unpopular pdf readers made in java and other languages for windows. but i didn't bother to use them.

Not a fan of running Java applications, especially not for small quick things. About Linux, yeah I really really should.

About Linux, yeah I really really should.

I have a question for you.. and I'm not trying to be a smarta*s.

All you ever do is complain about software not being free opensource blah blah but yet you use windows. Why?

Windows is the standard and everything works with it(I understand why the rest of the world uses windows) but you seem to admit to only using software thats on sourceforge so I doubt you would not have any problems finding the software that your using now.

To me it just seems rather hypocrytical to say I only use OpenSource yet you use windows. So eldmannen WHY?

I have a question for you.. and I'm not trying to be a smarta*s.

All you ever do is complain about software not being free opensource blah blah but yet you use windows. Why?

Windows is the standard and everything works with it(I understand why the rest of the world uses windows) but you seem to admit to only using software thats on sourceforge so I doubt you would not have any problems finding the software that your using now.

To me it just seems rather hypocrytical to say I only use OpenSource yet you use windows. So eldmannen WHY?

I am a big fan of free and open source software.

I have used Slackware Linux before on my old SCSI disk, which unfortunately lately broke. Prior to that I used Red Hat Linux some, but since that disk broke, I almost only been using Ubuntu Linux via the LiveCD.

Currently I am running Windows XP Professional, but almost all software is FOSS (free open source software) with a handful of exceptions, such as CCleaner, Ad-Aware and a few other software.

I am skeptic to repartition an already partitioned drive.

I am planning to run Linux when I buy a new computer, I am not sure when I am going to buy a new computer, I have money, but every week there is new parts out, it's hard to decide when to buy. I have thought about an Conroe with 2 gb RAM, SATA disk, etc.

FOSS software that I currently use is Apache, PHP, MySQL, Miranda IM, FileZilla, OpenOffice, VLC, Firefox, Thunderbird, poEdit, Stellarium, SuperTux, WASTE, ClamWin, Wings 3D, HeidiSQL, Blender, DC++, Dev-C++, nmap, Stunnel, TrueCrypt, WinMerge, Zsnes, 7-Zip, ABC, Hydrogen, Inkscape, PuTTY, etc.

But why use windows at all? Like I said its just hypocrytical to say the stuff you say over and over like a broken record when you are using the most proprietary, restrictive licensed(in your terms anyway), OS you could get.

It just seems to me like the way you talk about it all the time you wouldn't even have a windows computer in your house or ever touch one.

Also, if you operating from a live cd most of the time isn't that just a hassle?

But why use windows at all? Like I said its just hypocrytical to say the stuff you say over and over like a broken record when you are using the most proprietary, restrictive licensed(in your terms anyway), OS you could get.

It just seems to me like the way you talk about it all the time you wouldn't even have a windows computer in your house or ever touch one.

Also, if you operating from a live cd most of the time isn't that just a hassle?

Yes, using a LiveCD could be a bit of a hassle, I don't use it most of the time. Occasionally I use Linux some via shell accounts too.

I use Windows, because it was what I have grown up with, and currently I have no harddisk to install a GNU/Linux distribution on. So I haven't migrated over fully yet, but I do intend to. I do try to stay away from proprietary software by avoiding them and using free/open source software, but so far im not 100% there yet, but I am on my way, most software on my system is FOSS.