forum wont come up on laptop

not sure why, but i cant get this forum to come up on my laptop. other sites work fine, but this one doesnt come up. works fine on my desktop though. hmmmmmmm.

Have you tried coming to the forum via, say google, and saving it in favourites again, and the same for the cookie in CCleaner options?

Actually I did do that. And it must be something to do with my laptop (security settings maybe) because I even had problems with IE I just noticed. The site itself comes up fine, just problems with the forum. hmmmmm. ill have to figure this one out.

Check your HOSTS file. Make sure and aren't in there as blocked.

Also if using a proxy or proxy ad blocking software some sites/forums/wiki's etc., may not load.

The forums weren't programmed to work on laptops, only desktops...

Ok, bad joke....

What error message are you getting? Cannot find server?