Forum links

I am not sure of the proper way to do this, so heres the question.

If I want to add a link to a webpage with a download (like ccleaner for instance) on my own personal forum, do I:

a) Have to get the permission of the site admin.

B) Who do I contact if the product is hosted at a different site than the "owner" "creator" or what have you of the product?

c) If providing a link, is it proper to put a logo of the product on my forum?

Thanks for the replies! :)

You mean, hosting the file?

No, I mean like if I was to put a list of freeware on my forum page, could i put a direct link to the software list. (like say if i listed ccleaner as a cleaning app on my forum, could i post a direct link right to the ccleaner download page)

and can i put a ccleaner logo on the forum page in the topic?

No, I mean like if I was to put a list of freeware on my forum page, could i put a direct link to the software list. (like say if i listed ccleaner as a cleaning app on my forum, could i post a direct link right to the ccleaner download page)

and can i put a ccleaner logo on the forum page in the topic?

yes, you can put a logo on your site, you can also link to the download page as long as your not hosting anything and calling it your own or anything.

i dont see anything wrong with it.

cool. thanks aaron!

so i guess my next question is, specifically, how do i get a ccleaner logo onto my forum? i would like it to be in a post dedicated to ccleaner.

What kind of logo do you want? I got several.

What kind of logo do you want? I got several.

Hi TwistedMetal,

Something like the "download ccleaner" button on the main page. But I'm not sure how to get it onto a forum. :(

Right-click on the image. Save the image to your computer and upload it to a ftp if you have one.

awesome! thanks twistedmetal. i dont know why, but i had a brain blank and forgot what i was doing. thank you! :)

What kind of logo do you want? I got several.

Do you have one that would be good to use as a link to the forums, rather than saying "Download CCleaner" or "Get CCleaner"?

I made this real quick. Will this work?


Yes. :)

Thank you.

thats cool twistedmetal! i wish i knew how to do that kind of stuff. :)

I made this real quick. Will this work?

Cap, aren't you wanting one for downloads?

Not the Ccleaner Forum?


I got what I wanted, an image that I can use as a link to the forums.

Hey 1984,

Where is the forum at I'd like to take a look...:)

i wish i knew how to do that kind of stuff. :)

Get and play with it for awhile, you may surprise yourself. :)

admiral ross:

im still working on it, but hope to post a link shortly. but im not looking to leech members or anything-mostly just posting a list of resources for people that are easy to find. :)


ive been kind of curious about that program for awhile. havent downloaded or tried it as of yet. i have adobe photoshop cs, but i find it very confusing, and i simply dont have the patience at this time to fiddle with a million options.

admiral ross:

im still working on it, but hope to post a link shortly. but im not looking to leech members or anything-mostly just posting a list of resources for people that are easy to find. :)

No problem. If you need any help let me know, I'm helping Aaron with his. So, let me know. I don't consider it leeching at all just support. I just wish I could get support for my forums...:(