Font Cache breaks Windows 10 version 1803

When "Font Cache" is cleaned it causes a spinning wheel loop on startup and Windows 10 version 1803 fails to boot. The only solution working for me is going into Safe Mode and doing a system repair.

I've pinned this since there's another user who has also reported the same breakage. I've also left a link to the admins so they can look into it.

We will look to disable this cleaning option in the next release while we work on a fix. This bug did not come up when we looked at earlier preview versions of Windows 10.

When booted into safe mode, try restarting first from safe mode and see if safe mode will restore the FNTCACHE.dat so that Windows will boot up normally. However, if it doesn't then proceed to do a system repair as Doomelf has described above.

I had the similar problem but restarting from safe mode might be the easiest solution for this before system repair. My post here.

I have found this too. How can I disable Font Cache purging in CCleaner?

have you tried unticking Font Cache in the System options section?

This option is disabled in the current release. If you haven't updated (or disabled the option), we strongly recommend doing so.

When is it estimated that the option of cleaning Font cache will return? I tried to use it today but found with the updated version of Ccleaner that it was not there.

I am not running the newest version of Windows 10, is there a way I can download the previous version of CCleaner that still has it?

I use a font manager for a few thousand fonts, and occasionally something goes wrong and using CCleaner's clean font cache has been the only thing I've found to fix the problem.

On 9/17/2018 at 11:46, ABCman said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents">
		is there a way I can download the previous version of CCleaner that still has it?

Old versions are archived at:


However in all likelihood it will just automatically emergency update itself to the newest version to avoid such bugs and for the updates to the privacy settings/compliance (just look around the forums for that info).