Flaws Are Detected in Microsoft?s Vista


Ok, so here's my little rant on Vista.

Numero uno: People are getting way too excited over flaws found in the operating system's debut. It should be painfully obvious that this happened with XP, with ME, with 2k, with 98, and so forth. There's just no testing that a company can do internally that will match up to real world use - at least with software on this scale. Flaws are always going to be found in new operating systems.

Number two: Do you like Vista because of the eye candy? Well, then, my friend you're in the wrong boat. If eye candy is your (only) primary concern, give Fluxbox, KDE, or Gnome a whirl (on a *nix OS, certainly). If you like Vista for DX10 (also in the "eye candy umbrella"), well, I suppose you don't really have a choice (with the given exceptions of Wine, Cedega, Darwine, et al).

Nummer drie: Make sure you know what you're getting into when you choose Vista. I don't exactly wear a tin foil hat, but I do think that Vista has some "big brother" qualities. Namely, it supports DRM, the whole idea behind the TCPA ( http://www.againsttcpa.com/ ), and the fact that Microsoft has a near-monopoly over the desktop market.

As it pertains to Internet Explorer 7 from that article it's of no surprise to me that it is still vulnerable as it was in previous versions - will this ever change I don't think so unless MS just dumps IE completely and makes their own port of Firefox or just use Firefox period.

Hence the reason not to use IE regularly and to only rely upon it for Windows/Microsoft Updates, a few online virus scanners that don't work in Opera and Firefox (what a shame), and if a website doesn't load correctly in Opera and Firefox (which is another shame).

nice rant, but to everyone honestly have to ever had a virus due to these flaws :| ive not ever in my time had a problem.

A rant in that case equals a fact.

Although the majority of the IE security updates mention nothing of virus, instead it's typically a patch to fix a security hole in which someone can remotely control a Windows-based computer.

A rant in that case equals a fact.

Although the majority of the IE security updates mention nothing of virus, instead it's typically a patch to fix a security hole in which someone can remotely control a Windows-based computer.

...and what about mozillas latest 10 bug fixes. Every system will have some weakness. You just need to keep it all in proportion.

Third party browsers such as Mozilla and even Opera aren't bug free as something always has a door or window of vulnerability that's either open or slightly cracked open, however it does keep the developers improving upon security.