flash player problem

I have the latest version of flash player, both computers are windows 7 - 64 bit version. Both have IE 8, both show the add on as enabled. On one computer, i downloaded IE9 for a couple of days, and then decided to go back to IE8. Since going back to IE8, flash shows as installed and appears to work on the adobe page but does not work on the disney.go.com page. I used the flash uninstaller, and then re-installed several times. Didn't help. Any ideas?

I don't know off hand however it's an old annoyance when some websites either can't detect that Flash is installed, or more baffling when some request it be updated to the newest version which is already installed.

I don't know off hand however it's an old annoyance when some websites either can't detect that Flash is installed, or more baffling when some request it be updated to the newest version which is already installed.

Ugh that drives me nuts! But that rarely happens to me. If it does I just leave the site and find something else to do. I'm not trusting some unknown site to give me their "Flash".

I'm not trusting some unknown site to give me their "Flash".

I've never seen in on some "random unknown site" I've seen it happen several times over the years on auto manufacturer websites, like the other day when I went to visit a U.S. based auto manufacturer site. They wouldn't have "their Flash" they'd simply link you to the Adobe site.

Ugh that drives me nuts! But that rarely happens to me. If it does I just leave the site and find something else to do. I'm not trusting some unknown site to give me their "Flash".

Responding to one of the earlier posts - to be clear, the Disney website was working with Flash before - so there is something wrong now with Flash.

Responding to one of the earlier posts - to be clear, the Disney website was working with Flash before - so there is something wrong now with Flash.

Or Disney's website itself!

They wouldn't have "their Flash" they'd simply link you to the Adobe site.

The only thing I can think of is possibly a site might be using a newer recently released beta version of Flash. That happens.

the Disney website was working with Flash before - so there is something wrong now with Flash.

You're gonna have to get tough with the Jonas brothers if you want solutions.

Or Disney's website itself!

That's a good possibility.

Again, two computers. The Disney website is working fine with Flash on one, and not on the other.

Why'd you go back to IE 8? That seems like when the problem started for that one computer.

I finally got it fixed. uninstalled flash, booted into safe mode, cleaned out the registry, then booted back in regular mode. I then restored the IE Advanced settings and reset the settings (for the second time), rebooted again, and then re-installed flash. That finally did it.

There has been a new Flash Player ActiveX released for IE9 yesterday.

Download it from http://www.adobe.com/products/flashplayer/fp_distribution3.html

(The Flash Player plugin remains unchanged as version

Flash is annoying me, I have 32bit flash installed (I run 64bit Nightly and Aurora, 32bit Firefox 5 beta, 32bit (i think) Ie9 and 32bit chrome 12) and I wouldn't expect it to run in 64bit browsers but it doesn't work in the 32bit ones either! T^T I have tried uninstalling, reinstalling, everything. I've learned to do without it- not too difficult, Youtube has an HTML5 video feature so I can still watch most videos, Google Chrome sometimes works. Not sure. I think I angered flash.