
I understand a firewall makes a computer safer.

My PC came with Windows Defender already installed and, I believe, a Firewall.

After updating CCleaner, some time ago, I found that Avast Free Antivirus was on my machine

I did not ask for this to happen but decided to stick with Avast and turned Windows Defender off.

On checking, recently, I believe the Avast Free version does not have a Firewall.

I have 2 questions.

Is the Windows Defender firewall still active on my PC despite turning off Windows Defender?. I have tried to find this out by going into the Control Panel but the answer is not clear to me?

If the WD Firewall is normally not active can anyone recommend an effective free Firewall compatible with Avast Free Antivirus?

What operating system are you using?

Windows 7, 8, or 10?

I am using Windows 10!

If you click once the Windows start (you know the 4 white squares at left bottom of taskbar) and immediately start typing the words... Windows Security... you can then click on the result and see at a glance about your firewall.

You don't have to look where you are typing when you do that, you can type anything you will get a result eg. notepad