firewall settings in p2p progs.

When using progs. such as Shareaza and Safe Soulseek, you are told that as you have a firewall, downloads will be slow.

Is it best just to accept that your downloads will be slow, or can you safely change your firewall settings, if so, how?

From my experience, it has never slowed down my downloads.

Thank you TM, I shall leave them as they are.

Yes, i agree, it doesn't tamper with the speed of your downloads. By the way, its just Soulseek, I used the emphasis of Safe so that everyone understands why I advertise it so much!

The only firewall issues I ever had with a p2p app was many years ago using Napster, and that was the last time I used a p2p program. Several firewalls would block other users from downloading files from my system even after I configured (or mis-configured) the firewall to allow downloading from my system. I personally never had any download speed issues with a firewall.