

i would like to say thank you for all for the answers in my previous topic about firefox

i really like the browser

more questions about ad ons

the download statusbar ad on is a dowload acelerator or just show your normal speed of download?

its possible to use download statusbar and downthemall add ons?

i use download statusbar add bloc plus and fasterfoxx ad ons. wich others extensons i have to use?

thank you


You'll find a few ideas here....


i would like to say thank you for all for the answers in my previous topic about firefox

i really like the browser

more questions about ad ons

the download statusbar ad on is a dowload acelerator or just show your normal speed of download?

its possible to use download statusbar and downthemall add ons?

i use download statusbar add bloc plus and fasterfoxx ad ons. wich others extensons i have to use?

thank you


The download statusbar just shows the status of your downloads, it has no effect on their speed. I don't think it will work with DownThemAll but I could be wrong.

Most people will advise against using Fasterfox, and despite having used it for a while, I would now agree. Get rid of Fasterfox and use Firetune to tweak Firefox instead:

For further suggestions check the link Woody posted where several of us have posted our favourite extensions :)

can you tell me exactly the problen i will have if i still use fasterfox?

thank you

what the difference between the fasterfox and firetune?

i have to open firetune each time i will use firefox?

thanks again

thank tou

Hi Vecchio,

I'm not an expert on this by any means, but I've heard that Fasterfox can actually slow down your computer. I think you would be better off with Firetune

Btw, with Firetune you set and forget.

its strange to me that fasterfox slow down my computer but if its true..what else can i do:? i DONT need to start firetune each time i start firefox and use fasterfox can cause a hardware problem.. is that correct?

thank you

its strange to me that fasterfox slow down my computer but if its true..what else can i do:? i DONT need to start firetune each time i start firefox and use fasterfox can cause a hardware problem.. is that correct?

thank you

Various people on here have reported that fasterfox has actually slowed down their computer, so I wouldn't use it if I were you. With Firetune, once you have set it you don't need to do anything else. last and my main question is

fasterfox cause a hardware problem?or just the pages will load slowly?

if i unistall fasterfox the risk is gone? i have to do anything else?

thanks again

Just uninstall Fasterfox and you'll be fine.

thanks i unistall fasterfox already.. so i think fasterfox just make my computer slowly and dont cause a hardware problem..right? sorry if i disturb you but i hope stay away for a hardware issue(low performace) and i hope use finetune dont cause problems

The problem with Fasterfox is that it prefetches all the links on each page, if you visit a page with many links on it this can cause the page to load very slowly.