I,m sorry if I,m asking You,all to repeat something, but i did a search & couldn,t find My answers, I just wonder why firefox is so much better & if I didn,t like it can I still use IE or do I need to get rid of it or disable it, I have no problems with IE, but if firefox doesn,t slow the computer or effect as far as using to much space or add many more running processes I would like to try it, also how big of a download is it & what is the most secure site to download it from, & if I dont like it is it as hard as somethings to uninstall,,Thanks for your advise in advance, Cowboy
Hi Cowboy. There are folks here who will be able to respond to your question and provide better answers than I can, but I'll get the ball rolling.
Firefox is a very easy program to download. It takes a lot less space than IE, and there are many people who will tell you that it is a lot safer to use than IE. As I understand it, IE is something like Norton software, a real space hog.
You do not have to uninstall IE to have FF on your pc, and you can use both for web browsing, if you wish.
FF will allow you to do searches, have a homepage, etc., but if you want to use it for e-mail, then you must download the FF companion, which is called Thunderbird.
I have used both in the past and love it; however, my pc crashed last year (had nothing to do with FF or TB), but after that I started using IE again, and have simply been too lazy to switch back to Thunderbird. but I still sometimes use FF, though.
FF is a great program, and I would suggest that you be brave and give it a try.
Good luck.
Thankyou papajoe for Your responce, I,m going to wait & see if I get a few more answers, but I,m sure i,ll try it as per your suggestion, You answered the most important ones,I appreaciate Your help, Cowboy
Firefox is a teenage toy.
Locking down Internet Explorer takes real men(woman)
Firefox is a teenage toy.
Locking down Internet Explorer takes real men(woman)
That helps how?
I'll try and explain what's good and bad about FF.
I think the main good thing is it opensource. Which means, (I'm not wanting to assume you don't know but just making sure you do), we can help make FF better. Unlike IE which keeps all the coding a secret (it's my code and your not playing with it ) FF or more likely Mozilla is quite happy to let people play with the code and when there is a problem evreyone pitches in to fix it.
FF allows you to browse the net the way you want to. When your using IE and you click on a link another window will open. FF however only usually keeps the same window open, but opens a tab. Which means your taskbar doesn't get all cluttered. This is just one of the good things about FF.
FF is alot more customisable, stopping popups and ads being shown etc. There is so many things FF can do it's just a case of playing with it.
Now I'm not going to say FF is the best thing since sliced bread. It does have it problems, but again unlike IE(or MS) they have admitted to the problems and are trying to fix them. MS will just let people keep using their product until they feel it's time a change is needed. Back the main problem with FF. It is a bit of a resource hog. Many people will say they don't have a problem with that but it is something to be aware of.
The only thing I can suggest it install FF play with it get used to it I'm sure you won't be disappointed. If you are, no worries. Uninstall it and keep using IE.
Finally FF isn't for everyone, but it must be doing something right as it seems to have MS one the run which for me isn't a bad thing.
If you want any further information please give me a shout.
well said. the thing i like the best about firefox is the extensions that are available. you can basically customize things to your own habits.
one great tool is the the "stumble!" extension. it randomly finds webpages that you probably wouldnt have found otherwise, customized to your individual interests. more of a fun thing than anything else.
as for the safety issue, i really cant speak to that.
Thankyou mps,,,I appreciate the response, & I agree with the prior post not being very helpfull, I did download it, & allthough its going to take some getting used to, I can see its much better than IE, & Your right i had no clue what open source meant , so thanks again,I just have to figure out how to have it open when I logon line with my IP,Right now I cant, but i can get there, & I am on dialup if that makes any difference, So I might bend your ear a bit more after I study it more if you dont mind, But thanks again, Cowboy
Hey cowboy, I'm very new to Firefox myself but I have to say that I think it's wonderful. (Please see the thread I started a little further down the page) The beauty of it is that it sits hapilly side by side with IE on your desktop. You have both at your disposal. The extensions in Firefox are a joy. Just keep playing and experimenting, that's what I'm doing. Good luck.
where do i get these extensions?well said. the thing i like the best about firefox is the extensions that are available. you can basically customize things to your own habits.
In the default bookmarks that come with Firefox, in the "Firefox and Mozilla Links" folder, there's one called "Extensions and Themes". This takes you to the official Mozilla Addons site, which is the safest place to get them.where do i get these extensions?
It's best to get the hang of Firefox without adding extensions or themes first. Search the forums on Mozillazine (there's a link to it in the same bookmark folder) for information on extensions you might be interested in. Install extensions or themes one at a time, and use each one for a while to make sure there are no problems before installing another.
Also, avoid installing different extensions with overlapping functions; if you have two extensions that are both trying to modify the same function, it can create a conflict that causes big problems.
Thanks to all, I,m still playing with it, & Stuart Yes Your thread is what sparked My intrest,,But there wasn,t enough info in there ,thats why I started a new thread,Theres still more I need to know,But I,m not sure what yet, other than when I click to get online (dialup )it automaticly opens internet explorer, I would rather it go straight to firefox, But I can still get there, But thanks again to all, & Happy Fathers day to all You other Fathers,,Cowboy
Cowboy, I'm not sure if this will help. When you go online do you click the IE shortcut? If so try clicking on the FF icon. Once FF is up and running, go to tools> option> general. Make sure default browser is clicked so FF knows to load everytime.
If that doesn't help jump over to the forum on Mozilla and see what they can come up with.
Maybe one of the other guys on here might be able to help too. Sorry I can't help more wit this one, I'm using broadband and I've disabled IE.
BTW Happy Fathers day too, just opening up a few Buds, first of the day, but not the last
Thanks again mps,,,I have it set as default & My homepage, I click on My netzero IP to get online & it automaticly goes to IE, kind of a pain I then close that browser & clickon FF icon on the desk top then open My mail from there, I see it says how do you want FF to connect to the internet But I,m not sure what to ,Or how to set it, I,m very nervous of how things are connected because several months ago when i was infected I had a dialer that went to some game site I never went to ,and had a huge phone bill, of which I,m still fighting, Thanks again,Cowboy
Cowboy I've never clicked on my IP to get me on the net in the past, all I've ever done is click on either my browser or email.
Now if you have a good AV and firewall I wouldn't worry about clicking on FF.
If your still worried I'd suggest contacting your IP helpline and ask how you can change the default browser settings.
Let us know how you get on.
Mozilla Firefox follows web standards. Internet Explorer dont.
Firefox is much more secure, so if you use it, you are less likely to get spyware or browser hijackers.
Firefox has plenty of nice features, etc and can be extended via Extensions that add new functionality.
One browser to rule them all, One browser to find them, One browser to bring them all and in the web bind them.
Ok I,LL Try again,I just tryed to post from My FF browser & It just went blank ,so now I,m doing it from IE,,I have netzero high speed dialup IPS , it has a little speedometer that shows Me when the high speed works, It NO longer works with FF, since yesterday, I have not changed anything at all , but was surfing some sites of wildlife for reference pics & it takes forever to load the pages & is now not even working right to access this site, any Ideas, Thanks for any help, Cowboy
IE just a crab , alot of developers said that IE is the main source of Malware on windows users , "espicially those with XP"
Firefox "FF" Using another techonology on browsing , what i've noticed that FF is a little slow in browsing than Opera or IE , but u can change that with useing the Extensions ability on FF "the most important reason that keeps FF more populate than Opera"
Firefox is the most supported by most websites , and can easyly use the IE engine inside firefox for sites that suport only IE , and u can use download managers inside firefox by using " flashgot = extension "
anyway , i never saw a question like what's the most secure site to download it !! , but i think always the official site is the most up-todate , secure and the faster
i found this site to be very amusing. its called showdown between firefox and IE.
hehe, Firefox Vs Internet Explorer aka Internet Extinct
http://blogs.zdnet.com/Bott/?p=85Maybe Firefox doesn't have a security edge after allPosted by Ed Bott @ 6:00 am June/28/06
Digg This!
Kvetching about Microsoft security flaws is so 2002.
One browser to rule them all, One browser to find them, One browser to bring them all and in the web bind them.
OMG dude. I officially think you're just weird now.
ROFLMAO Where did you find that line btw? ROFLMAO ROFLMAO ROFLMAO ROFLMAO
You kill me E!