Firefox Extensions REBOOTED

Just like the freeware topic, I think its time we reboot the firefox extensions topic.

The first firefox extension recommendation thread was started 5 years ago and can be found here:

Firefox has come a long way over the years and I know a lot of us are using very different stuff than we were using five years ago, so this is our chance to get a fresh start. Please try not to post the same things as another member unless you have something fresh to say about it, this will shrink the amount of reading required to find something useful and new.

In order to keep things organized, I think its a good idea we follow a similar posting style to the freeware topic:

- Extension Name (bold)

- Link to extension page on official mozilla site:

- Short description of what the extension does and why its useful.


I'll start with one I use all the time:

Adblock Plus


- Blocks advertisements on just about any page on the internet.

- Adblock plus is probably the most essential firefox addon I can think of. It cleans up the web so that your not annoyed with everything from flashing ads, to the worst off all: video pre-roll ads!

Awesome Screenshot


- Takes full page and visible page screen shots of what is in your Firefox window.

- Really useful if you want to archive a webpage, or have a copy in jpeg or png.



- A web development tool that lets you see and edit the source code of a page

- Useful for debugging issues with pages, or faking some silly stuff to take pictures with using awesome screenshot :lol:

This is all I use for now:

1 Click Weather by ZIP Code (for Firefox):

Description: Get your weather forecast quickly by entering your ZIP code. 1 Click Weather gives weather forecasts without all the ads.

Info: It installs into the search area, just change your search provider to 1 Click Weather by Zip Code, and input your zip code. More useful in my opinion than big weather related sites!


Adblock Plus Element Hiding Helper:

Description: An add-on for the add-on Adblock Plus which is required to use it. Fight the text ads! Element Hiding Helper is a companion extension for Adblock Plus meant to make creating element hiding rules easier.

Download: https://addons.mozil...elemhidehelper/

Fanboy Adblock:

Description: An add-on for the add-on Adblock Plus which is required to use it. Available for other web browsers as well, see the download site! Blocks ads.


Dr.Web Anti-Virus Link Checker:

Description: This plugin allows you to check any file you are about to download, any page you are about to visit with the online version of Dr.Web anti-virus.

Download: https://addons.mozil...s-link-checker/

Firefox 3 theme for Firefox 4+:

Description: Experience all the benefits of Firefox 4 (or later) with the colorful toolbar goodness of Firefox 3! Gives you the good looking Firefox 3 theme again!


Web Of Trust - Safe Browsing Tool:

Description: Would you like to know which websites you can trust? The Web of Trust (WOT) add-on is a safe surfing tool for your browser. Traffic-light rating symbols show which websites you can trust when you search, shop and surf on the Web.

Download: https://addons.mozil...-browsing-tool/

This is all I use for now:

Fanboy Adblock:

Description: An add-on for the add-on Adblock Plus which is required to use it. Available for other web browsers as well, see the download site! Blocks ads.


I actually expected the description to say "Hides annoying posts related to Apple being vastly superior."

Just a list of the extension I use, most of them are self explanatory from their names although links are included:

Adblock Plus

British English Dictionary

Download Statusbar

Down Them All!

Extended Copy Menu (fix version)

Last Tab Close Button

PDF Download

Personal Menu

Print Edit

Restartless Restart

Web Developer

I actually expected the description to say "Hides annoying posts related to Apple being vastly superior."

If only..

LessChrome HD

- or

- This restartless add-on hides the toolbars like the location bar navigation until you point at the tabs to get them back.

- In a nutshell, adds auto-hide behavior for toolbars.

I heard about LessChrome HD recently, seems like it could be a security flaw in that it hides the URL

Not much of an issue from the implementation of LessChrome HD. Unlike Chrome's implementation where you need to click the tab to see the URL.

I actually think I like the Chrome version more, in that if I want to mouse up near the top of the screen (as say, on facebook to check a notification) the hidden chome doesnt overlay the website if I overshoot it by a few pixels.

This is a cool one:

322551-32.png?modified=1308241129 Mozilla Labs: Prospector - Predictive Newtab 1

This restartless add-on shows predictions of pages that you might want when opening a new tab. It's designed to help point you towards websites that may of of interest to you based on what you are currently browsing. These decisions are made entirely in your browser based on history and no personal data is sent to the web.

Webmail Notifier

When you have lots of children like I do, and several emails, and 7 household computers, this extension is essential.

LulzImg Image Uploader 1.1

Upload image by simply right clicking

Adblock Plus Pop-up Addon

- https://addons.mozil...s-pop-up-addon/

- By default, Firefox or Adblock Plus doesn't block any pop-ups that are opened on mouse clicks or other user events. This addon complements Adblock Plus with the pop-up blocking functionality.

With AdBlock Plus I'm also using (mentioned before) NoScript, Adblock Plus Element Hiding Helper, Fanboy's additions to AdBlock Plus, EasyList for AdBlock Plus & Wiltteri for AdBlock Plus (mainly for Finnish sites/users) and sometimes ChatZilla.

Do Not Track Plus:

Do Not Track Plus blocks web beacons and other tracking technologies that advertisers use to track your browsing behavior. Easily see what trackers are in use at each website you visit and block any or all of them.

Is that like Ghostery?

Is that like Ghostery?

Sounds like it. Amazing the sheer number of things blocked by Ghostery at some sites.

Is that like Ghostery?

I didn't know about Ghostery, however after reading the description of it I'd say based on description alone it's similar. Although Do Not Track Plus does place cookies from places like trackers and ad sites but they're all Opt-Out cookies.

Is that like Ghostery?

Trying Ghostery now and they are very similar, even very similar in how their icon placement is f'd up in the browser toolbar and not even with others - the only gripe.

With Do Not Track Plus I'm unable right click a bookmark to edit it when going into Bookmarks from the toolbar, Ghostery doesn't have that issue so I've switched to Ghostery. Nice to have choices!!!

I've been using Ghostery for quite some time now -- rather impressive.