Just like the freeware topic, I think its time we reboot the firefox extensions topic.
The first firefox extension recommendation thread was started 5 years ago and can be found here:
Firefox has come a long way over the years and I know a lot of us are using very different stuff than we were using five years ago, so this is our chance to get a fresh start. Please try not to post the same things as another member unless you have something fresh to say about it, this will shrink the amount of reading required to find something useful and new.
In order to keep things organized, I think its a good idea we follow a similar posting style to the freeware topic:
- Extension Name (bold)
- Link to extension page on official mozilla site: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/extensions/
- Short description of what the extension does and why its useful.
I'll start with one I use all the time:
Adblock Plus
- https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/adblock-plus/
- Blocks advertisements on just about any page on the internet.
- Adblock plus is probably the most essential firefox addon I can think of. It cleans up the web so that your not annoyed with everything from flashing ads, to the worst off all: video pre-roll ads!