Is anyone having any problems with Firefox
I`ve had a few hangups recently, and was wondering if I would be better off with FF 2. Never had problems with previous version, (apart from forum access, but that`s another story).
This latest version is starting to remind me of IE., which I`m using at the moment because FF has just hung again.
Is anyone having any problems with Firefox
I`ve had a few hangups recently, and was wondering if I would be better off with FF 2. Never had problems with previous version, (apart from forum access, but that`s another story).
This latest version is starting to remind me of IE., which I`m using at the moment because FF has just hung again.
I have it installed on 3 machines. Not a single issue with it. Not one crash or hanging or anything. 11 extensions installed:
I`ll reinstall the FF2.0 version, not the and see if that`s any better. Been waiting for the V3 to come out, but new versions don`t seem to be improvements.
I resisted updating to 2 for a while because of the problems I was reading about at the Firefox forum but most of the new skins I was liking were for FX2 so I took the plunge on one system and it worked perfectly fine. Also I had installed Cooliris on 1.5 and noticed a huge memory leak with it. After a couple hours of browsing FX 1.5 was using over 300 MB of ram. I disabled Cooliris and ram usage went back to normal which for me is around 50-90 MB of ram for Firefox. I posted on the forum about it and nobody else seemed to have the problem with that extension. When I updated to Firefox2 that extension worked perfectly. So now I have Firefox2 installed on 3 machines with no issues.
One way to find out if it's an extension is to add/install them one at a time then use Firefox for several minutes until you can figure out if it's extension related.
Then of course there's the problem of FF always crashing on some systems with no remedy in sight until Mozilla fixes something. I could never use the 1.x branch of FF because it would crash and sometimes even cause my WinXP system to completely freeze, and the only reason I'm even using FF now is because Opera had started acting up on me several months ago.
Is anyone having any problems with Firefox
I`ve had a few hangups recently, and was wondering if I would be better off with FF 2. Never had problems with previous version, (apart from forum access, but that`s another story).
This latest version is starting to remind me of IE., which I`m using at the moment because FF has just hung again.
I have FF installed on 3 machines and I am having the exact same problem. It's a bit annoying, but I haven't taken the time to do anything about it.